The Bullitt County History Museum

Wilderness Road Quarterlies - Volumes 1-36 Index - Clay-Cre

We are now able to provide access to the first 36 volumes of the Genealogical Society's Wilderness Road Quarterlies in pdf format. In the alphabetical table below we provide buttons which serve as links to display the pages. The numbers on the buttons represent the volume and page number where the indexed name may be found. Finally, we have divided the list into surname sections as shown below to make it easier for you to jump to the part you need.

All of these Quarterly pages are copyrighted by the Bullitt County Genealogical Society. By downloading any of them, you agree that it is for your personal use. They may not be distributed in any way, electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society.

Clay, Belle |
Clay, C. B. |
Clay, Dr. |
Clay, George S. |
Clay, Henry | | | | | |
Clay, Henry, Sgt. |
Clay, Hubert, Dr. |
Clay, James W. |
Clay, Lillie Stoner | |
Clay, Robert Young |
Clay, Samuel |
Claybaugh, Barbara Etta |
Claycomb, Conrad |
Claycomb, Elizabeth | |
Claycomb, George |
Claycomb, Nelson Sr. | |
Claycomb, Thomas |
Clayton, B. |
Clayton, Barbara |
Clayton, Ben | |
Clayton, Blumer | |
Clayton, C. |
Clayton, C. C. |
Clayton, ED |
Clayton, Eliza F. | |
Clayton, Grand Duke |
Clayton, Ida May | |
Clayton, Infant |
Clayton, J. | |
Clayton, James P. | |
Clayton, L. | |
Clayton, Louis |
Clayton, Louis Jr. |
Clayton, Mack |
Clayton, Martha |
Clayton, Martha J. |
Clayton, Pias |
Clayton, Robert |
Clayton, Rudy F. |
Clayton, Stephanie | | | |
Clayton, Waine M. |
Clayton, Waine McKinley |
Clear, __ | | | |
Clear, Abigail |
Clear, George | | |
Cleary, Francis |
Cleary, William | |
Cleaveland, __ | |
Cleaveland, Susan | |
Cleaver, __ |
Cleaver, David |
Cleaver, Josie |
Cleaver, Willie |
Cleland, Mabel |
Cleland, Mabel Torance |
Clem, __ | | |
Clem, Dianne |
Clem, J. W. | |
Clemens, __ | |
Clemens, __, Mrs. |
Clemens, Ada |
Clemens, Catherine |
Clemens, Fischer |
Clemens, G. R. |
Clemens, Georgia Fay |
Clemens, H. O. |
Clemens, Ida |
Clemens, Katie |
Clemens, Mary Polly |
Clemens, Robert |
Clemens, Susie |
Clement, __ |
Clement, Augusta |
Clement, Augustus |
Clement, Julia |
Clement, Lee |
Clement, Sarah K. |
Clements, __ | | | | | | | | | |
Clements, __, Gov. | |
Clements, Augustus |
Clements, Blanche |
Clements, Dorothy |
Clements, Dorthy Ratliff |
Clements, Earl |
Clements, Earl C., Gov. |
Clements, Gov. | |
Clements, Gov. Earl C. |
Clements, Hattie |
Clements, James |
Clements, Joseph |
Clements, Margaret |
Clements, Martha |
Clements, Martha M. |
Clements, Nicholas |
Clements, Robert W. |
Clements, Virginia |
Clements, W. A., Mrs. |
Clemerson, __ |
Clemerson, Becki |
Clemmons, __, Mrs. |
Clemmons, Willson |
Clemmons, Wilson |
Clemnas, Will |
Clemons, __ |
Clemons, Ben |
Clemons, Elizabeth |
Clemons, Emma Lena |
Clemons, Wilson |
Clerk, William |
Clethero, John A. |
Cleveland, __ | | | | | |
Cleveland, Grover, Pres. |
Cleveland, James William |
Cleveland, John William |
Cleveland, Josiah |
Cleveland, Joyce Louise |
Cleveland, Lubertha |
Cleveland, Martha |
Cleveland, N. C. |
Cleveland, Sarah |
Clevidence, __ | | | |
Clevidence, Catherine |
Clevidence, Elizabeth | | |
Clevidence, Frederic | |
Clevidence, Frederick | | | | | | | | |
Clevidence, Geri |
Clevidence, Geri S. |
Clevidence, Geri Sparks |
Clevidence, Gerri |
Clevidence, Gerrie |
Clevidence, Hugh | | | |
Clevidence, John | | | | | | |
Clevidence, Johnathan |
Clevidence, Jonathan Lee |
Clevidence, Lloyd James |
Clevidence, Richard L. | |
Cleviston, Frederick |
Clevy, John |
Click, Ron |
Clien, Robert D. |
Cliffton, Baldwin |
Cliffton, Howsan |
Cliffton, Sarah |
Clift, __ | |
Clift, G. Glenn | | |
Clifton, __ | | |
Clifton, Housand |
Clifton, Minnie | |
Clifton, Ronald |
Clifton, William | | | | |
Climones, John |
Cline, __ | | |
Cline, Bob | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cline, Frank |
Cline, Robert | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cline, Robert D |
Cline, Robert D. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cline, Virginia Turner |
Cline, Walter D |
Clinehens, __ | | | | |
Clinehens, George |
Clinehens, J. Webster |
Clinehens, John G. |
Clinehens, Kathleen Ann |
Clinehens, Stephen Ark |
Clinton, __ | |
Clinton, Charles | | | |
Clinton, Cynthia Emeline |
Clinton, Shyrl Kersey |
Clithero, __ |
Clithero, Joseph Granville |
Clithero, Lillian Mae |
Cllins, Thomas |
Clore, __ | |
Clore, Eliza A. |
Clore, Ephraim |
Clore, Sarah E. |
Close, Buck |
Close, Everett Grose |
Close, J. B. |
Close, Will, Mrs. |
Close, William |
Close, William, Mrs. |
Cloud, Cynthia Ann |
Cloud, Elizabeth | |
Cloud, Emmeline |
Cloud, H. W. |
Cloud, Hannah |
Cloud, Harriet Jane |
Cloud, Hiram |
Cloud, Hiram C. |
Cloud, Hiram W. |
Cloud, James |
Cloud, Jane |
Cloud, Julia A. |
Cloud, Lurandy |
Cloud, Margaret Ann |
Cloud, Martha | | | |
Cloud, Mary |
Cloud, May |
Cloud, Nancy |
Cloud, Peggy Ann |
Cloud, Polly |
Cloud, Rosannah |
Cloud, Sara |
Cloud, Sarah Jane |
Cloud, Susan |
Cloud, W. H. |
Cloud, William | |
Clough, __ |
Clous, Elizabeth |
Clous, William |
Cloutier, Charles |
Clower, __ |
Clower, Abraham | | | |
Clower, Henry | | | | | | | |
Cloyd, Bette |
Cloyd, James |
Clubb, Marshall |
Cluff, Julie |
Cluggage, Francis | |
Clupper, Mona Atwill | | |
Clussa, Tina |
Coady, Jean | |
Coake, __ |
Coakley, __ |
Coakley, __, Bro. | |
Coakley, __, Rev. |
Coakley, Everett |
Coakley, Everett Lee |
Coakley, Everette |
Coakley, Laverne |
Coakley, T. L. | | | | |
Coakley, Virgil |
Coakley, W. S. |
Coakley, W. S., Mrs. |
Coakley, W. S., Rev. | | | | | | | | | |
Coalkley, John |
Coalman, John |
Coates, Wanda Ramonia | |
Coats, __ | |
Coats, Robert H. | | | |
Coats, Roberts H. |
Coats, William |
Cobb, __ | | | | | |
Cobb, Abe Caldwell |
Cobb, Ambrose |
Cobb, Ann |
Cobb, Carrie E. |
Cobb, Catherine |
Cobb, Charles |
Cobb, Elias |
Cobb, Elizabeth |
Cobb, Elizabeth A. |
Cobb, Henry |
Cobb, Henry Alfred |
Cobb, Henry Edgar |
Cobb, Henry Eli |
Cobb, James B. |
Cobb, John |
Cobb, Katherine |
Cobb, Maleasie |
Cobb, Nancy |
Cobb, Nancy Jane |
Cobb, Rebecca |
Cobb, Trisha Head | |
Cobb, Uriah |
Cobb, William |
Coberly, Mary C. |
Coble, __ | | | |
Coble, Sarah Elizabeth | |
Coble, Valentine |
Cochran, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Anna |
Cochran, Belle |
Cochran, Bettie |
Cochran, Clarence E. |
Cochran, Dessie |
Cochran, E. A. | |
Cochran, Edith | | |
Cochran, Eleanor | |
Cochran, Elijah | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Elizabeth | | |
Cochran, Enoch |
Cochran, Ethel Mae |
Cochran, Ethel May |
Cochran, Georgia | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Georgia B. |
Cochran, Gober |
Cochran, H. |
Cochran, H. S. | | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Harriet H. |
Cochran, Harry |
Cochran, Henry | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Henry S. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Henry S. |
Cochran, Heywood |
Cochran, J. C. |
Cochran, J. N. |
Cochran, J. N., Mrs. |
Cochran, J. W. |
Cochran, James | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, James N. | | |
Cochran, James Nathan |
Cochran, James, Mrs. | |
Cochran, John T. | | |
Cochran, Joseph |
Cochran, L. D. |
Cochran, Lee | |
Cochran, Lillie |
Cochran, Lou | | |
Cochran, Luc C. |
Cochran, Lucinda |
Cochran, Lucy C. |
Cochran, Lula | | |
Cochran, Lula Simmons |
Cochran, Manerva Jane |
Cochran, Maria Love | | |
Cochran, Mariah Love | |
Cochran, Martha | |
Cochran, Martha A. | | | |
Cochran, Martha Ann |
Cochran, Martha J. |
Cochran, Mary |
Cochran, Mary A. | |
Cochran, Mary B. |
Cochran, Mary E. |
Cochran, Matilda |
Cochran, Minerva | |
Cochran, Mrs. Tom |
Cochran, N. W. | | | | |
Cochran, Nancy, Mrs. |
Cochran, Nathan | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Nathaniel | | | | | | |
Cochran, Nora |
Cochran, R. G. | |
Cochran, Robert |
Cochran, Sarah | | | | | |
Cochran, Sarah E. |
Cochran, Simmons | | | | | |
Cochran, T. C. |
Cochran, T. E., Dr. |
Cochran, Thomas | | | | | |
Cochran, Thomas E., Prof. |
Cochran, Tilda |
Cochran, Tom | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cochran, Tom, Prof. |
Cochran, W. H. | |
Cochran, W. L. |
Cochran, W. R. |
Cochran, Will, Mrs. |
Cochran, William | |
Cochran, William H. |
Cochran, William Henry |
Cochrane, Amy B. |
Cochrane, Dessie |
Cochrane, Emmitt |
Cochrane, Garland |
Cochrane, Harry | |
Cochrane, Henry |
Cochrane, J. N. |
Cochrane, James |
Cochrane, Katie |
Cochrane, Mary Ann |
Cochrane, Nap |
Cochrane, Nat |
Cochrane, Nathan |
Cochrane, Peter |
Cochrane, Robert | |
Cochrane, Tom | |
Cocke, Elizabeth |
Cockerel, Lewis |
Cockerell, H. C. |
Cockerell, Hima |
Cockerell, James |
Cockerell, Kate |
Cockerell, M. J. | | |
Cockerell, Mary |
Cockerell, Mathew J. |
Cockerell, Mike | |
Cockerell, W. J. |
Cockerill, Matilda M. |
Cockram, Matilda |
Cockran, __ |
Cockran, Archibald P. |
Cockran, Heywood | |
Cockran, James |
Cockrell, __ | | |
Cockrell, Hiram |
Cockrell, Hymie |
Cockrell, John |
Cockrell, M. J. |
Cockrell, Mary Ellen |
Cockrill, Sterling R. |
Codell, Joe |
Coe, __ | | | | | |
Coe, A. |
Coe, Alex H. |
Coe, Alexander H. | |
Coe, Amelia |
Coe, America |
Coe, Carrie | |
Coe, Columbia |
Coe, Columbia Ann | |
Coe, David |
Coe, Lula |
Coe, Mannie |
Coe, Mary E. |
Coe, Permelia |
Coe, Robert |
Coe, Robert L. | |
Coe, Robert Lee |
Coe, Susan M. |
Coe, William F. |
Cof, Gaber |
Cofer |
Cofer, __ | | | | | |
Cofer, Ann |
Cofer, Benjamin Flint | |
Cofer, Charles Owen | |
Cofer, Elizabeth | |
Cofer, Emilia |
Cofer, Emily |
Cofer, Esther | |
Cofer, Hester |
Cofer, James |
Cofer, John |
Cofer, Laurence |
Cofer, Lawrence | | | | | | |
Cofer, Mary “Polly” |
Cofer, Owen Kennedy | |
Cofer, Sally | |
Cofer, Thomas | | | | | | | | | |
Cofer, Thomas Quinn | | |
Cofer, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cofer, William Jr. | | | | |
Coffee, __ |
Coffee, A. D. | | | |
Coffee, James B. |
Coffee, John R. |
Coffee, Mary L. | | | |
Coffee, Rachel |
Coffee, Sarah |
Coffee, William |
Coffer, __ |
Coffer, M. L. |
Coffer, William | | |
Coffey, Elizabeth |
Coffey, Helen F. |
Coffey, Joseph P. |
Coffey, Maria Louisa |
Coffey, Mary | | | |
Coffey, Mary Louise |
Coffey, Maxwell, Mrs. |
Coffey, Nina |
Coffey, Nina Burdette |
Coffield, __ |
Coffielt, __ |
Coffin, __ | | | | |
Coffin, Grace |
Coffin, William |
Coffman |
Coffman, __ | | |
Coffman, Abraham |
Coffman, Catherine |
Coffman, Christopher |
Coffman, Laclora J. |
Coffman, Leonard |
Coffman, Mary Ann | |
Coffman, Moses | |
Coffman, Susanna |
Coffman, Susannah |
Cofman, Christ. | |
Cofman, Christopher |
Cofman, Lennett |
Cogder, Sarah E. |
Coghill, __ | | | |
Coghill, Caroline |
Coghill, Carrie |
Coghill, George | |
Coghill, Smallwood A. |
Coghlan, Frank |
Cogswell, __ |
Cogwill, Carrie |
Cohean, Elija |
Cohen, __ |
Cohen, __, Dr. | |
Cohen, David, Dr. |
Cohen, Grace |
Cohen, Louis |
Cohen, M. |
Cohn, Max |
Coil, John |
Coile, Deliah |
Coile, Delila | |
Coile, James | |
Coile, John | |
Coile, Patrick | | |
Coile, Polly | |
Coils, John |
Coke, __ | | | | |
Coke, Evaline |
Coke, Kunigunde |
Coke, Louisa Frances | |
Coke, Powell |
Cokendoffer, Christopher |
Coker, __ |
Colbell, Margaret E. |
Colbour, W. J. |
Colbow |
Colbow, __ |
Colbow, Cora | |
Colbow, Elizabeth |
Colbow, Henriette F. |
Colbow, Josephine | |
Colbow, Susan | |
Colbow, W. C. |
Colbow, W. J. |
Colbow, William | |
Colbow, William J. | | | | |
Colburn, Sarilda |
Coldham, Peter Wilson |
Coldiron, __ |
Cole, __ | | | | | | |
Cole, Acquilla |
Cole, Aquila | |
Cole, Aquilla | | |
Cole, Arminda Lucinda |
Cole, Ben | |
Cole, Cato |
Cole, Charity |
Cole, Darkis |
Cole, Dorcas |
Cole, Edward |
Cole, Elijah | |
Cole, Elizabeth Jane |
Cole, Elizabeth N. |
Cole, Frances I. |
Cole, Francis Bennet |
Cole, Henry Phillip |
Cole, Jacob |
Cole, James M. | |
Cole, James Markanis |
Cole, Jane |
Cole, Jemima G. |
Cole, John H. |
Cole, John Thomas |
Cole, John W. |
Cole, Joshua W. |
Cole, Mary Henrietta |
Cole, Mary W. |
Cole, Micaga |
Cole, Micaja | | | | |
Cole, Micajah | |
Cole, Micajah Jr. |
Cole, Parmelia Ann |
Cole, Patsey |
Cole, Permelia Ann |
Cole, Rachel C. |
Cole, Rebecca |
Cole, Rebecca J. | |
Cole, Robert |
Cole, Salathiel |
Cole, Sarah |
Cole, Sarah H. |
Cole, Sarah V. |
Cole, Silas B. |
Cole, Susan S. |
Cole, Susanna |
Cole, Thomas H. |
Cole, Victoria Louisa |
Cole, Virgie S. |
Cole, William | | |
Cole, William G. |
Cole, William Leo |
Cole, Zachariah |
Colebar, William |
Coleman, __ | | | | | | |
Coleman, __, Mrs. |
Coleman, Alberta |
Coleman, Bertie | | | | |
Coleman, Bessie |
Coleman, Blueford |
Coleman, Caroline |
Coleman, Christopher |
Coleman, Corene |
Coleman, Cornelia | | |
Coleman, Correne |
Coleman, D. |
Coleman, D. C. |
Coleman, D. J. |
Coleman, David C. | | |
Coleman, Dora |
Coleman, Elijah |
Coleman, Elizabeth | |
Coleman, Emeline |
Coleman, Ida L. |
Coleman, Isabelle |
Coleman, J. M. | |
Coleman, J. T. |
Coleman, James | |
Coleman, Jane Amanda |
Coleman, Jennie |
Coleman, Jilson |
Coleman, Jilson J. |
Coleman, John | | | | | | | | | |
Coleman, John Thomas |
Coleman, Larry G. |
Coleman, Laura Allis |
Coleman, Leonora |
Coleman, Lily Belle |
Coleman, Margaret | | | |
Coleman, Maria |
Coleman, Marie |
Coleman, Mary |
Coleman, Mary Jane |
Coleman, Ophelia | | | | | |
Coleman, Robert |
Coleman, Rosella |
Coleman, S. C. |
Coleman, Samuel |
Coleman, Sharlotta |
Coleman, T. C. | | | | | |
Coleman, T. C. II |
Coleman, T. C. III |
Coleman, T. C. Jr. | | |
Coleman, T. C. Jr., Mrs. |
Coleman, T. C. Sr., Mrs. | | |
Coleman, T. C., Mrs. | | | |
Coleman, T. H. |
Coleman, Thomas C. | |
Coleman, Tisha |
Coleman, Tom | |
Coleman, Tom H. |
Coleman, W. A. |
Coleman, W. H., Dr. |
Coleman, W. R. |
Coleman, W. W. |
Coleman, W. W., Dr. | | | |
Coleman, William | |
Coleman, William Z. |
Coleman, William Zazio |
Coleman, William, Dr. | |
Colemsneil, John D. |
Colemsneil, S. C. |
Coler, Joseph |
Coles, Elizabeth |
Coles, Ruah |
Coley, __ | | | | | |
Coley, Benjamin Franklin |
Coley, Neoma May |
Coley, Surilday |
Coley, William Henry |
Collard, Elijah |
Collard, Elizabeth |
Collard, Gertrude |
Collard, Joseph | | | | | |
Coller, George |
Coller, Thomas |
Collet, Joseph |
Collett, Isaac |
Collett, John |
Collett, Stephen |
Colletta, John Philip | | | | |
Colley, __ |
Collier, __ | | |
Collier, __, Mrs. |
Collier, A. J. |
Collier, Charles |
Collier, Daniel, Rev. |
Collier, Dora |
Collier, Edward |
Collier, Eleanor |
Collier, Elizabeth |
Collier, Emma |
Collier, Frances | | |
Collier, G. W. |
Collier, Gerald, Rev. |
Collier, Irene |
Collier, J. L. |
Collier, J. M. | | | | |
Collier, Jake L. |
Collier, James Marshall |
Collier, Joseph | | | |
Collier, Louisa J. | |
Collier, M. |
Collier, Maggie |
Collier, Marshal |
Collier, Mary |
Collier, Mattie |
Collier, Mattie C. |
Collier, Mattie Lee |
Collier, Sally Cheatham |
Collier, Sarah Josephine |
Collier, Theresa | |
Collier, Thomas | |
Collier, Tom | |
Collier, William H. |
Collin, Clasia | |
Collin, James | |
Collin, John | |
Colling, Elisha |
Colling, Lorinda |
Collingens, Samuel |
Collings | |
Collings, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, __, Sheriff | |
Collings, . F. |
Collings, A. E. |
Collings, A. P. | |
Collings, Abner | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, Abraham |
Collings, Adley E. |
Collings, Alfred | | | | | |
Collings, Alice | | | |
Collings, Angeline |
Collings, Ann |
Collings, Archibald | |
Collings, aul |
Collings, Ben | | | |
Collings, Ben H. |
Collings, Ben H. |
Collings, Benjamin | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, Benjamin B. |
Collings, Benjamin F. | | |
Collings, Bennie |
Collings, Bert |
Collings, Blythe |
Collings, C. J., Dr. |
Collings, Carnes | |
Collings, Carrie Miss |
Collings, Charles | |
Collings, D. |
Collings, D. Jane |
Collings, David | | | |
Collings, Deacon |
Collings, Drusilla |
Collings, E. |
Collings, Ederenton |
Collings, Edgar |
Collings, Elenor |
Collings, Elisha | | | | |
Collings, Elizabeth | |
Collings, Emerson W. |
Collings, Eugenia | |
Collings, Eugenia B. |
Collings, Eva K. | | |
Collings, Eva Katherine |
Collings, Eva R. |
Collings, F. B. |
Collings, Felix |
Collings, G. F. | |
Collings, G. S. |
Collings, George | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, George S. |
Collings, Gertrude | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, Ham | | | |
Collings, Harriet | | | |
Collings, Harriett |
Collings, Haz. H. |
Collings, Isaac | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, Isaac S. | | | |
Collings, J. |
Collings, J. D. |
Collings, J. F, |
Collings, J. F. | | | | | | | |
Collings, J. H. | | |
Collings, J. M. |
Collings, James | | | | | | |
Collings, James F. | | | | |
Collings, James F. Jr. |
Collings, James Jr. |
Collings, James Karnes |
Collings, Jane | | | |
Collings, Jane Crawford |
Collings, Jessie | |
Collings, John | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, John H. | | | | | |
Collings, John Thomas | |
Collings, Joseph | |
Collings, Joseph M. |
Collings, Josephine |
Collings, Josephine M. |
Collings, Josie | |
Collings, Kearnes | |
Collings, Kittie |
Collings, Lee |
Collings, Lizzie | |
Collings, Lorenzo |
Collings, Lorinda | | |
Collings, Marana |
Collings, Maria |
Collings, Mary | | |
Collings, Mary E. |
Collings, Mary Elizabeth |
Collings, Mary J. | |
Collings, Mary Jane | | | | |
Collings, Mary W. |
Collings, Mary Weller | |
Collings, May |
Collings, Michael L. |
Collings, Milton | | | | | |
Collings, Milton H. |
Collings, Myrtle |
Collings, Nancy | | | |
Collings, Nancy B. |
Collings, Paul Keith |
Collings, Pearl | |
Collings, Peter | |
Collings, R. A. | |
Collings, Reuben |
Collings, Reubin |
Collings, Richard A. | | |
Collings, Richard W. |
Collings, Ruth |
Collings, S. W. | |
Collings, Sam |
Collings, Samuel | | |
Collings, Samuel H. | | |
Collings, Sara |
Collings, Sarah |
Collings, Spence R. |
Collings, Spencer | | | | | | | |
Collings, Stephen |
Collings, Thomas | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, Tommie J. |
Collings, Willard |
Collings, Willard G. |
Collings, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collings, William “Long Knife” |
Collings, William E. | |
Collings, William E. L. |
Collings, William Edw. |
Collings, William Edward | |
Collings, William Elston |
Collings, William S. | |
Collings, William Sanford | |
Collings, William, Mrs. |
Collings, Zebulon | |
Collings, Zebulon F. |
Collings, Zebulon F.,Rev. |
Collins |
Collins, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collins, __, Dr. | |
Collins, A. |
Collins, A. W. |
Collins, Abner | |
Collins, Albert Walter |
Collins, Alberta |
Collins, Alfred | | |
Collins, Austin |
Collins, Ben | |
Collins, Benjamin | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collins, Benjamin F. |
Collins, Carol | | | |
Collins, Carolyn H. |
Collins, Charles A. |
Collins, Christy |
Collins, D. |
Collins, David | | | |
Collins, Dinah |
Collins, E. | |
Collins, Edrington |
Collins, Eleanor |
Collins, Elizabeth | | |
Collins, Elliott P. |
Collins, Ellsworth |
Collins, Ethrington |
Collins, F. B. | | |
Collins, F. B., Dr. |
Collins, Felix |
Collins, Florence |
Collins, Forrest |
Collins, Frances |
Collins, George | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collins, Harriet |
Collins, Harrison |
Collins, Homer |
Collins, Isaac |
Collins, J. |
Collins, J. L. |
Collins, James | | |
Collins, James E. | | |
Collins, Jesse H. |
Collins, Jinny |
Collins, John | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collins, John C. Sr. |
Collins, Joyce |
Collins, Laura |
Collins, Lewis |
Collins, Lottie |
Collins, Luvinah |
Collins, Mariah Ann |
Collins, Mary |
Collins, Mary Jane |
Collins, Mettie |
Collins, Myrtle |
Collins, Nancy V. |
Collins, Nannie |
Collins, Pearl |
Collins, R. A. | |
Collins, Rebecca | | | |
Collins, Reccah |
Collins, Rennie |
Collins, Richard | |
Collins, S. B. |
Collins, Sharon J. |
Collins, Sherri Faye |
Collins, Sidney |
Collins, Spencer | | | | | | |
Collins, Spencer Jr. | | |
Collins, Spencer Sr. |
Collins, Spenser |
Collins, Thomas | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collins, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Collins, William Sanford |
Collins, Zebulon |
Collis, Evelyn Willina |
Collis, George L. |
Collis, Roy I. M. | |
Colllins, Rebecca |
Colloway, __ |
Colman, __ |
Colman, Claud |
Colman, Elijah |
Colman, J. |
Colman, James | |
Colmena, T. C. Sr. |
Colmer, Peter |
Colmesneil, J. D. | |
Colmesneil, J. D. | |
Colmesneil, John |
Colmesneil, John D. | |
Colmesneil, S. C. |
Colmesniel, John B. |
Colmesniel, John D. |
Colmesniel, S. C. |
Colmesniel, Sarah |
Colmesnil, __ | |
Colmesnil, __, Mrs. |
Colmesnil, Carroll |
Colmesnil, Courtney | |
Colmesnil, Edmund |
Colmesnil, Emma |
Colmesnil, J. D. | | |
Colmesnil, James |
Colmesnil, John |
Colmesnil, John D. | | | | | |
Colmesnil, John D. S. |
Colmesnil, Lodoiska |
Colmesnil, Louis G. |
Colmesnil, Sarah |
Colmesnil, William |
Colter, __, Mrs. |
Columbus, Christopher |
Columbus, Delia |
Colvett, Latayne |
Colvin, __ | | | | | | | | |
Colvin, A. E., Mrs. |
Colvin, Ada Clidena |
Colvin, Charles E. |
Colvin, E. T. |
Colvin, Earle |
Colvin, Elijah |
Colvin, Lizzie |
Colvin, Luke |
Colvin, Mary Fay |
Colvin, Mathew, Mrs. |
Colvin, Paula C. | |
Colvin, Sarah Ann |
Colvin, Sherman |
Colvin, Shirley |
Colvin, Shirley L. | |
Colvin, Theodore, Mrs. |
Colvin, W. A. |
Colvin, William |
Colwell, Peggy A. |
Combast, Robert |
Combes, Joseph | |
Combes, Susan |
Combest, Archibald |
Combest, J. R. |
Combest, Lena |
Combest, Mary A. |
Combest, Phraba |
Combest, Robert |
Combest, W. L. |
Combies, Nellie |
Combs, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Combs, __, Mrs. |
Combs, __, Sheriff | | |
Combs, Anna Ray | |
Combs, Annie | |
Combs, Arthur |
Combs, Bud | | |
Combs, Carl Edwin | |
Combs, Cassie |
Combs, Charles William |
Combs, Daphney |
Combs, David Hyman |
Combs, Dennis |
Combs, Elmer | | | | |
Combs, Elmer Theodore | |
Combs, Emma | | |
Combs, Emma K. |
Combs, Evelyn |
Combs, F. F. |
Combs, Fletcher | |
Combs, Fletcher, Mrs. |
Combs, Francis |
Combs, Griffin |
Combs, H. C. |
Combs, H. H |
Combs, H. H. | | | | | | | | | |
Combs, H. H. |
Combs, H. H., Mrs. | |
Combs, Harry | | | | | |
Combs, Harry Fletcher |
Combs, Harry H., Mrs. |
Combs, Harry Human |
Combs, Harry Hyman | |
Combs, Harry, Mrs. | |
Combs, Hazel Mae |
Combs, Helen Marguerite |
Combs, illiam |
Combs, Inis |
Combs, J. | | |
Combs, J. F. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Combs, J. F., Mrs. | | | |
Combs, J. Fletcher | | |
Combs, J. H. |
Combs, J. M. |
Combs, J. T. |
Combs, James | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Combs, James F. |
Combs, James Fletcher |
Combs, Jeanette Louise |
Combs, Julia | | | |
Combs, Lillie Esther | |
Combs, Lilly Esther |
Combs, Little Mae |
Combs, Lottie |
Combs, Lottie Mae | |
Combs, Lula |
Combs, Luth Myron |
Combs, Luther Myron |
Combs, M. S. | |
Combs, Margaret | | | |
Combs, Margaret Elenor |
Combs, Margaret Melissa |
Combs, Marion |
Combs, Marjorie |
Combs, Mary |
Combs, Mary Palmer | | |
Combs, Minnie Mae |
Combs, Minnie May | |
Combs, Myron | | | | | | | | | |
Combs, Myron S. | | | | |
Combs, Nellie | |
Combs, Nellie Louisa | | | |
Combs, O. |
Combs, O. P. | | |
Combs, Olive |
Combs, Olive Samuel |
Combs, Oliver | | | | | | | | |
Combs, Oliver P. | |
Combs, Oliver Perry | | | |
Combs, Oliver Samuel |
Combs, Ruth | |
Combs, Ruth Jones |
Combs, Sarah Emma | |
Combs, Susan |
Combs, W. M. | | |
Combs, W. M., Mrs. |
Combs, Warren Dent | |
Combs, William M. | | |
Combs, William Myron | | |
Combs, Willie M. | |
Comeby, Ann P. |
Comes, M. M. |
Commandeur, Lucy Y. |
Compliment, Jenny |
Compton, __ | | | | | | |
Compton, Albert J. |
Compton, E. M. |
Compton, Eli M. |
Compton, Esther |
Compton, Fannie |
Compton, Frnaces D. |
Compton, James |
Compton, Jemima |
Compton, Joel |
Compton, John | |
Compton, John S. |
Compton, Kitty | |
Compton, Kitty G. |
Compton, Lucius |
Compton, Mack |
Compton, Margarett | |
Compton, Marideth | |
Compton, Martha J. |
Compton, Matilda |
Compton, Matilda F. | |
Compton, Matilda Frances |
Compton, Norma Jean | |
Compton, Ophelia E. |
Compton, Philip |
Compton, Rubin T. G. |
Compton, S. H. | | | |
Compton, Sarah |
Compton, Sarah Ann |
Compton, Stephen H. | |
Compton, William |
Compton, William S. | | | |
Comstock, __ | |
Conder, __ | | |
Conder, David | |
Conder, Jacob | | | |
Conder, Martin | |
Condiff, Ann |
Condiff, James |
Condiff, Jami |
Condiff, Jimmay |
Condiff, R |
Condiff, Ranny |
Condiff, Richard | |
Condiff, Richard B. |
Conditt, David | |
Condor, Jacob |
Condor, Joseph |
Condor, William |
Condra, Martha Ellen |
Cone, John H. | | |
Conel, John |
Conell, Peter |
Conely, Thomas |
Conen, Lewis W. |
Confiff, Mary |
Congleton, __ | | | |
Congleton, Fanny | |
Congleton, Frances |
Congrove, __ |
Congrove, Augusta |
Congrove, Caroline | |
Congrove, Charles L. |
Congrove, E. |
Congrove, E. |
Congrove, Elizabeth | | | | | | |
Congrove, Elizabeth Jane | |
Congrove, Erastees |
Congrove, Erastus |
Congrove, Helen B. |
Congrove, Henrietta |
Congrove, Henry | | | | | | | | | |
Congrove, James |
Congrove, John |
Congrove, Jon |
Congrove, Jonathan | | |
Congrove, Jonathan I. |
Congrove, Jonathon |
Congrove, Lewis H. |
Congrove, Louis H. |
Congrove, Lucy A. |
Congrove, Martha | |
Congrove, Martha Ann | |
Congrove, Mary e. | | |
Congrove, Mary J. |
Congrove, Oscar A. |
Congrove, Patsey |
Congrove, Patsey Ann |
Congrove, Patsy Ann |
Congrove, Patsy E. |
Congrove, Philip H. |
Congrove, R. S. |
Congrove, Richard S. | |
Congrove, Robert |
Congrove, Robert S. |
Congrove, Rufus | |
Congrove, Rufus S. |
Congrove, W. | | | |
Congrove, W. R. |
Congrove, Will |
Congrove, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Congrove, William T. | | |
Coniff, M. |
Coniff, Thomas E. |
Conklin, _, Rev. |
Conklin, Alex |
Conklin, William |
Conlan, __ |
Conley, Ann |
Conley, E. J. |
Conley, Ellen J. |
Conley, G. E. |
Conley, George E. |
Conley, James W. |
Conley, John | | | | | | |
Conley, L. E. I. |
Conley, Lizzie A. |
Conley, Mary J. |
Conley, Matthew |
Conley, Mildred Ann | |
Conley, N. J., Mrs. |
Conley, Suetta Paris |
Conley, T. W., Mrs. |
Conley, Thomas |
Conley, W. T. | |
Conley, William |
Conley, William Michael |
Conley, William Vance |
Conlin |
Conlin, __ |
Conlin, amily |
Conlin, Hazel |
Conn, __ | | |
Conn, __, Prof |
Conn, __, Professor |
Conn, Elizabeth |
Conn, Francis |
Conn, Hugh |
Conn, James | |
Conn, John | | |
Conn, Mary Ann | | |
Conn, Milderan |
Conn, Milderann |
Conn, Mildred Ann |
Conn, Milly |
Conn, Polly |
Conn, Thomas | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Conn, Timothy |
Connard, Charles |
Connel, __ |
Connel, James | | | | | | | | |
Connel, Martha Ann |
Connell, __ | |
Connell, __, Mrs. |
Connell, Alice |
Connell, Ann | |
Connell, Charles N. | |
Connell, Ed |
Connell, Ellen |
Connell, Flora | |
Connell, Hannah |
Connell, Harehaland |
Connell, Hiram | | | |
Connell, James | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Connell, James C. | |
Connell, James L. | | |
Connell, John | | | | | | | |
Connell, Kate |
Connell, Lucy |
Connell, Mary | | | |
Connell, Mary Cath. |
Connell, Mary Catherine | |
Connell, Nancy | | | | | |
Connell, Sara |
Connell, Sarah |
Connell, William Jr. |
Connelley, William E. |
Connelly, __ |
Connelly, Elizabeth | |
Connelly, Henry, Dr. |
Connelly, John D. |
Connelly, Josiah |
Connelly, Margaret |
Conner, Annie Lee | |
Conner, Annie Mary |
Conner, Catherine | |
Conner, Deborah |
Conner, Flora |
Conner, Glen |
Conner, James D. |
Conner, Jimmy Don |
Conner, John | |
Conner, Richard |
Conner, Sam |
Conner, Sarah |
Conner, Susanna |
Conner, W. A. |
Conner, W. O., Rev. |
Conner, William Fred | |
Conners, Jennie |
Connes, Theresa |
Conniff, J. |
Conniff, John | |
Conniff, M., Mrs. |
Conniff, Martin |
Conniff, Sally M., Mrs. |
Conniff, Stella | |
Conniff, Thomas |
Conniff, William M. |
Connley, John |
Connor, John |
Connor, Will, Mrs. |
Conover, Toni |
Conquest, __ |
Conquest, Lunsford | |
Conquest, Nevada Cogar | | |
Conquest, Washington H. | | |
Conquest, William |
Conrad, __ | |
Conrad, Albert | | |
Conrad, Caroline |
Conrad, Caroline Adele |
Conrad, Emma Albertine |
Conrad, Lucile Eleanor | |
Conrad, Lucy |
Conrad, Martine |
Conrad, Mary | | | |
Conrad, Mary Alice |
Conrad, Mena Celeste |
Conrad, Nellie Leora |
Conrad, Raymond, Mrs. |
Conrad, T. | | | |
Conrad, Theophile | | |
Conrad, Theopolis |
Conrad, Valentine |
Consley, Elena |
Constantine, Catharine |
Constantine, Joseph |
Constantine, Mary |
Constantine, Timothy |
Conway |
Conway, __ | |
Conway, Anne |
Conway, Edwin |
Conway, Flora |
Conway, George T. |
Conway, George, Mrs. |
Conway, Hazel |
Conway, James W |
Conway, Pat | |
Conway, Sarah |
Conway, William |
Conyer, Martha E. |
Conyers, Mattie E. |
Coogle, Esther | | |
Cook, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cook, __ M. |
Cook, __, Dr. |
Cook, __, Mrs. |
Cook, A. J. |
Cook, Aaron | |
Cook, Aaron Griffee |
Cook, Allen George |
Cook, Allie G. |
Cook, Allie Lee | |
Cook, Alvie | | |
Cook, Alvie, Mrs. |
Cook, Annie C. |
Cook, B. |
Cook, Beckon |
Cook, Benjamin H. |
Cook, Bettie |
Cook, Bettie Anne |
Cook, Bettie Ennis |
Cook, Bettie Mae |
Cook, Betty Buffin |
Cook, Bridget |
Cook, C. J. | |
Cook, C. R. |
Cook, C.J., Dr. |
Cook, Carl J. |
Cook, Carlie |
Cook, Caroline Muss |
Cook, Catharine |
Cook, Catherine |
Cook, Charles |
Cook, Charles Beckham |
Cook, Chester |
Cook, Cintha Ann |
Cook, Cinthaann |
Cook, Connie |
Cook, Corine Elizabeth |
Cook, Cynthia Ann | | |
Cook, D. |
Cook, Daniel |
Cook, David |
Cook, Earl |
Cook, Earl Payne |
Cook, Ed |
Cook, Edward |
Cook, Elbert |
Cook, Eliza Catherine | |
Cook, Eliza J. |
Cook, Eliza Josephine |
Cook, Elizabeth |
Cook, Ella | | |
Cook, Ellis |
Cook, Eugene |
Cook, Fannie | | |
Cook, Fred | |
Cook, Fred W. |
Cook, Fred William | |
Cook, Fred, Mrs. |
Cook, G. G. |
Cook, George | | | | |
Cook, George G. |
Cook, George H. | |
Cook, George Richard | |
Cook, George Thomas |
Cook, George W. |
Cook, Harry | |
Cook, Harry Johnson |
Cook, Harry L. | |
Cook, Harry Levi |
Cook, Harvey |
Cook, Hattie |
Cook, Hattie L. |
Cook, Henry | |
Cook, Henry Wayne |
Cook, Hermon Ira |
Cook, Hetty |
Cook, Hetty Catherine | |
Cook, Heudel |
Cook, Howard |
Cook, Hughsie |
Cook, Husie |
Cook, Iris Latham |
Cook, J. C. |
Cook, J. F. | | | |
Cook, Jacob |
Cook, James | | | | | | | | |
Cook, Jasper |
Cook, John |
Cook, John H. |
Cook, John Henry |
Cook, John M. |
Cook, John S. | |
Cook, Johnathan |
Cook, Jonathan | |
Cook, Josiah |
Cook, Julia A. | |
Cook, Julia Catherine | |
Cook, Katherine A. |
Cook, Lilly |
Cook, Lucille |
Cook, Lula | | | | | | |
Cook, Lydia Ann |
Cook, Maddie Lois |
Cook, Maggie |
Cook, Margaret | | | | | | |
Cook, Marshall |
Cook, Martha A. |
Cook, Mary | | | | | |
Cook, Mary Ball | |
Cook, Mary Delilah |
Cook, Mary E. | |
Cook, Mary Etta |
Cook, Mary Jane |
Cook, Mary Lizzie |
Cook, Mary V. | | | | | |
Cook, Mattie |
Cook, Mattie L. |
Cook, Michael L. | | |
Cook, N. L. |
Cook, Nannie A. | | |
Cook, Nellie Ethel |
Cook, Nellie May |
Cook, Nelson L. |
Cook, Nettie Mae |
Cook, Nola | | |
Cook, Oliver C. |
Cook, Oliver Culbertson |
Cook, Ollie |
Cook, Ollie Lavada |
Cook, Ora Lee |
Cook, Oscar F. |
Cook, Rayde May |
Cook, Regina Inez |
Cook, Rilla |
Cook, Rilla Marie |
Cook, Robert |
Cook, Sadie Ray |
Cook, Sallie | |
Cook, Sarah Margaret |
Cook, Sophia |
Cook, T. L. | | | |
Cook, Theodore L. |
Cook, Thomas |
Cook, Viola Marie |
Cook, Virginia Beatrice |
Cook, W. | |
Cook, W. A. | | | | |
Cook, W. C. |
Cook, W. L. | |
Cook, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cook, William A. | |
Cook, William B. |
Cook, William J. |
Cook, William L. | |
Cook, William M. | |
Cook, William R. |
Cook, Zula |
Cooke, Daniel |
Cooke, George |
Cooke, Harry |
Cooke, James J. |
Cooke, Laura |
Cooke, W. | |
Cooke, William | | | | | |
Cooksey, Margaret |
Cooksey, Nancy |
Cookson, __ | | |
Cool, William |
Coolbaugh, Norman, Rev. |
Cooley, James |
Cooley, Thomas |
Coolidge, N. |
Coolidge, Nathaniel |
Coombs, __ | | |
Coombs, Charles |
Coomer, __, Rev. | |
Coomer, Mary |
Coomer, Ray Bradley |
Coomer, Thomas |
Coomes Thomas L. |
Coomes, __ | | | |
Coomes, A. |
Coomes, A., Mrs. |
Coomes, Alex |
Coomes, Aloisia |
Coomes, Anna Lee |
Coomes, Carrie Ann |
Coomes, Charles | | | |
Coomes, Charles C. |
Coomes, Charles D. |
Coomes, Dominick |
Coomes, Elouisa |
Coomes, Jack |
Coomes, James | |
Coomes, James L. |
Coomes, James S. |
Coomes, Jane Etta |
Coomes, Joseph |
Coomes, Joseph A. |
Coomes, Joseph L. |
Coomes, Morris Ray |
Coomes, Silvester |
Coomes, Thomas F. |
Coomes, W. F |
Coomes, W. F. |
Coon, __ |
Coonfield, Benj. W. |
Coons, __ |
Coons, Adam | | | | | |
Coons, Henry |
Coons, Judy | |
Coons, Mary F. |
Coons, Nancy |
Cooper |
Cooper, __ | | | | | | | |
Cooper, __, Dr. | |
Cooper, __, Miss |
Cooper, __, Prof. |
Cooper, __, Rev. | |
Cooper, A. B. |
Cooper, Abigail |
Cooper, Anna Pearl |
Cooper, Arnold T. |
Cooper, Betty |
Cooper, Elias |
Cooper, Elizabeth | | |
Cooper, Eunice |
Cooper, H. G. |
Cooper, J. S. |
Cooper, James | |
Cooper, Jesse | | | |
Cooper, John | |
Cooper, John D. |
Cooper, John S. |
Cooper, Joseph | | |
Cooper, Leven |
Cooper, Leven Jr. |
Cooper, Leven Sr. |
Cooper, Levin | | |
Cooper, Levin Sr. |
Cooper, Lewis |
Cooper, M. L., Dr. |
Cooper, Marcus L., Dr. |
Cooper, Martha | |
Cooper, Mary |
Cooper, Meta R. | | | |
Cooper, Moses |
Cooper, Nancy |
Cooper, Nannie |
Cooper, Regina |
Cooper, Richard |
Cooper, Sarah |
Cooper, Sarah Elizabeth |
Cooper, W. R. | |
Cooper, Walter, Rs. |
Cooper, Wayne |
Cooper, William M. |
Cooper, William R. |
CooperCox, __ |
Coots, Joella |
Cope, John |
Copeland, Hubert S. |
Coper, __ |
Coper, Isiah |
Coper, Jesse |
Cophendoffer, Christ’r |
Copher, Jesse |
Copher, William Jr. |
Copher, William Sr. |
Coppage, __ | | | |
Coppedge, Mary |
Coppelberger, Margaret |
Coppelberger, Michael |
Coppola, Cecelia Julia |
Coran, __ |
Coran, Charles Ehrman |
Coran, James | |
Corbet, Margaret |
Corbett, J. L. | |
Corbey, E. E. |
Corbin, __ | | |
Corbin, Bonnie |
Corbin, John |
Corbin, Sarah Ann |
Corbin, W. L |
Corbin, W. L. |
Corbin, Willie Lee |
Corbley, Rebecca Anne |
Corbly, Eliza |
Corby, Alex |
Cord, __ | | | | | |
Cord, Elizabeth |
Cordier, Pete |
Corey, Myrtle Ruth |
Cork, James | |
Corley, Bessie Irene |
Corley, Virginia |
Corn, __ |
Corn, Fleming |
Corneal, Thomas |
Cornel, James |
Cornel, Mary |
Cornelison, Joseph |
Cornell |
Cornell, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cornell, Ad |
Cornell, Add M. |
Cornell, Adison |
Cornell, Ann | | |
Cornell, Billie Reid |
Cornell, Bob |
Cornell, Bobby |
Cornell, C. H. | |
Cornell, Carole | |
Cornell, Charity | | |
Cornell, Claude |
Cornell, Claude Sr. |
Cornell, Darleen |
Cornell, Delores |
Cornell, Doris | |
Cornell, Duane | |
Cornell, Elender |
Cornell, Eliza |
Cornell, Elizabeth | | | | | | |
Cornell, Eva M. | |
Cornell, Foree |
Cornell, H. | |
Cornell, Hanah |
Cornell, J. R. |
Cornell, Jacob | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cornell, James | | | | | |
Cornell, James S. Sr. |
Cornell, Jane | | | | | | | | |
Cornell, Jim | |
Cornell, John |
Cornell, John C. |
Cornell, John Howard |
Cornell, John R. |
Cornell, John Robert | | |
Cornell, Leona |
Cornell, Louise | | | | | | | |
Cornell, Lucinda |
Cornell, Lydia |
Cornell, Mahala |
Cornell, Malinda |
Cornell, Martha | |
Cornell, Mary | | | | | | | | | |
Cornell, Mary M. | |
Cornell, Nancy | | |
Cornell, Nancy Ellen |
Cornell, Nellie | |
Cornell, Nina |
Cornell, Phebe | | | | |
Cornell, Phoebe |
Cornell, Phyliss |
Cornell, Polly | | | | | |
Cornell, Robert |
Cornell, Robert J. |
Cornell, Sallie |
Cornell, Sally |
Cornell, Sarah | | | | |
Cornell, Solomon | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cornell, Solomon Jr. |
Cornell, Susan |
Cornell, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cornelle, Nancy |
Cornett, __ | |
Cornett, Dreama Rose | |
Cornewell, Jane |
Cornish, __ | | |
Cornwall, Dictus |
Cornwall, Mary |
Cornwall, Solomon |
Cornwall, William |
Cornwallis, __ |
Cornwallis, Lord |
Cornwell, __ | | | | | |
Cornwell, Catherine |
Cornwell, Charity |
Cornwell, Charles H. |
Cornwell, Elizabeth |
Cornwell, Harold K. |
Cornwell, Harold Kenneth |
Cornwell, Harold R. |
Cornwell, Harold Raym. |
Cornwell, Jacob | | | |
Cornwell, Jane | |
Cornwell, Karen Ruth | |
Cornwell, Lucy Sciena | | | |
Cornwell, Mary |
Cornwell, Nancy | | |
Cornwell, Phebe | |
Cornwell, Polly |
Cornwell, Sarah | |
Cornwell, Solomon | | | | | | | | | | |
Cornwell, Solomon Jr. |
Cornwell, Walter |
Cornwell, Walter W. |
Cornwell, Walter William | |
Cornwell, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Corran, Elizah |
Corridor, Sam |
Corrigan, Barney |
Corrigan, Rosa |
Corroll, Tot |
Corruthers, A. L., Mrs. |
Cort, James |
Corte, Rebecca |
Corum, __ | | |
Corum, C. F. |
Corum, J. M. |
Corum, Mary Elizabeth |
Corum, Sarah J. |
Corum, Stephen |
Corum, Temple Jane |
Corvin, Elvira |
Corwell, Anne |
Corwell, William |
Cory, Edward |
Corzier, Eliza |
Cosby, __ | | | | | |
Cosby, __, Miss | |
Cosby, __, Mrs. | | | |
Cosby, Bernice |
Cosby, Fortunatus |
Cosby, Irene | |
Cosby, Irene W. |
Cosby, John | | |
Cosby, Lucy | | | |
Cosby, M. | |
Cosby, Maggie |
Cosby, Meredith | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cosby, Merideth |
Cosby, Overton |
Cosby, Sonney | |
Cosby, Sonny |
Cosfod, Elizabeth |
Cosford, Anne | |
Cosford, Stephen | |
Cosper, Elizabeth |
Cossell, Henrietta |
Costan, William |
Costin, Lewis |
Coston, H. |
Coston, Harriet | |
Cote, Thelma D. | | | |
Cote, Thelma Duncan |
Cotheran, Nath |
Cothran, __ |
Cothron, Ben |
Cotterrill, __ |
Cottom, Charles F. |
Cottom, Charles F. |
Cotton, __ | | | |
Cotton, America |
Cotton, Christina |
Cotton, D. | |
Cotton, Dan |
Cotton, Daniel | | | |
Cotton, George |
Cotton, H. |
Cotton, Henry | | |
Cotton, John |
Cotton, Lemuel W. |
Cotton, Levi M. |
Cotton, Lucinda | | | | |
Cotton, Mae |
Cotton, Mae C. |
Cotton, Mae S. |
Cotton, Mary E. |
Cotton, Mathew | |
Cotton, Nathaniel |
Cotton, Rachael B. |
Cotton, Ralph | |
Cotton, Ralph B. |
Cotton, Thomas |
Cotton, William | | | |
Cotton, William W. | |
Couch, Billy | | |
Couch, George Lee |
Couch, Jeff D. |
Couch, William |
Couch, William, Mrs. |
Couchman, John |
Couchman, John P. | |
Couchman, Margaret |
Couchman, Michael |
Couchman, Peggy |
Coulson, G. A. |
Coulter, __ | | | | | |
Coulter, Catherine |
Coulter, Eliza |
Coulter, Henso |
Coulter, Henson | |
Coulter, Jesse |
Coulter, Mark |
Coulter, Mary May |
Coulter, Sylvia |
Coulter, William |
Coulton, Sylvia |
Countriman, Henry | |
Country, Peter |
Countryman, Henry | |
Countryman, Henry Sr. |
Countryman, Jacob |
Courter, __ | |
Courter, Aaron |
Courter, Abigail |
Courter, Samuel E. |
Courtnay, Tavis |
Courtney, Robert Eliz’h |
Courts, Robert | | |
Courts, Robert H. | |
Courts, William | |
Couts, Peter |
Couture, Jackie |
Covenhaver, __ | |
Covington, Matilda |
Covins, Sylvester |
Cowan, __ | |
Cowan, Jane |
Cowan, John | | | |
Cowan, Jose |
Cowan, Malinda Frances |
Cowan, Mary Jane | |
Cowan, Robert |
Coward, __ Brother |
Coward, __, Rev. |
Coward, Andrew |
Coward, C. L., Rev. |
Coward, Dora Jackson |
Coward, Dora Sister |
Coward, Nancy |
Coward, S. C., Rev. |
Cowdin, __ |
Cowen, Jeremiah |
Cowen, John | | | | |
Cowenhaver, __ | |
Cowens, John |
Cowherd, Ermine |
Cowherd, Lucy |
Cowhorn, Henry |
Cowles, __ | |
Cowles, Frank Jr. | | |
Cowles, James |
Cowles, John |
Cowles, Maria |
Cowles, Ruble |
Cowley, __ |
Cowley, Ben | | |
Cowley, Cheryl Lynne | |
Cowley, Edward G. |
Cowley, G. C. |
Cowley, George |
Cowley, George E. | |
Cowley, Joyce |
Cowley, Lenox M. |
Cowley, Maggie |
Cowley, Maria C. |
Cowley, W. O. |
Cowley, Willis Burton | | |
Cowly, John |
Cowwood, Frank |
Cox, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cox, __, Col. |
Cox, __, Dr. |
Cox, __, Miss |
Cox, __, Mrs. | | |
Cox, A. H. |
Cox, Adolphus D. |
Cox, Agnes Lloyd | |
Cox, Allie Mae |
Cox, Amelia Jane |
Cox, Arthur Bentley |
Cox, Ben |
Cox, Benjamin | | |
Cox, Benjamin M. |
Cox, Benjamin Martin | |
Cox, Benjamin Richard |
Cox, Bentley, Mrs. |
Cox, Bessie Florence | |
Cox, Betty | | | |
Cox, Betty Pearl |
Cox, Blanche |
Cox, Celia |
Cox, Chestna |
Cox, Christine | |
Cox, Christopher |
Cox, Clarence |
Cox, Cora S. |
Cox, D. H. | |
Cox, D. H., Dr. |
Cox, Daniel | |
Cox, David | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cox, David H. | |
Cox, Delbert |
Cox, Doris | | | |
Cox, Dorisella |
Cox, Dorothy | |
Cox, Elizabeth | | | | |
Cox, Ella Bryant |
Cox, Eugene |
Cox, Everett Terry | |
Cox, Everitt |
Cox, Frances |
Cox, Frances Buffin |
Cox, Gabriel | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cox, Gabriel E. |
Cox, Gene | |
Cox, George | | | | | |
Cox, George Cleveland |
Cox, George J. |
Cox, George Jefferson | |
Cox, George M. |
Cox, Harvey |
Cox, Henry |
Cox, Hubert J. | |
Cox, Hugh |
Cox, Huston |
Cox, I. |
Cox, Ida Frances | |
Cox, Isaac | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cox, Isaac Shelby | |
Cox, Isaac, Capt. |
Cox, Israel |
Cox, Iva Lee |
Cox, Iva Scrogham |
Cox, J. H., Rev. |
Cox, James | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cox, James Elliott |
Cox, James R. |
Cox, James S. | | |
Cox, Jane |
Cox, Jerry |
Cox, John | |
Cox, John L. |
Cox, Jonathan | | | | | | | | | |
Cox, Jonathan M. |
Cox, Joseph | | | |
Cox, Joseph Blackburn |
Cox, Joseph F. |
Cox, Joseph H. |
Cox, Julia |
Cox, Kenneth |
Cox, Larry G. |
Cox, Lemuel Samuel |
Cox, Lillian |
Cox, Linda |
Cox, Lucille |
Cox, Luther |
Cox, Lydia A. |
Cox, Margaret | |
Cox, Marion | |
Cox, Marion E. |
Cox, Marion Lewis |
Cox, Martha |
Cox, Marty | |
Cox, Mary | | | | | |
Cox, Mary A. |
Cox, Mary Ann |
Cox, Mary E. |
Cox, Mary Elizabeth |
Cox, Mary Helen |
Cox, Mary Polly |
Cox, Melissa |
Cox, Melissa Bell |
Cox, Mollie |
Cox, Mrs. J. H. |
Cox, N. G. |
Cox, Nancy | | |
Cox, Nancy Ann |
Cox, Nathan |
Cox, Nathan George | | |
Cox, Nathaniel George | |
Cox, Nellie |
Cox, Nettie Barnet |
Cox, Nora Sue | |
Cox, Orpha |
Cox, Polly |
Cox, R. |
Cox, Raymond Russell |
Cox, Richard Edward |
Cox, Robert P. |
Cox, Roscoe | | | | |
Cox, Ruby |
Cox, Ruth | |
Cox, Sarah |
Cox, Sarah Ellen |
Cox, Sarah M. |
Cox, Sean L. | |
Cox, Stella Agnes |
Cox, Susan |
Cox, Susanna | | |
Cox, Susannah | | | |
Cox, Sylvia Hazel |
Cox, Thomas |
Cox, Virgil Lee |
Cox, William A. |
Cox, William Albert |
Cox, William C. |
Coxon, Lew |
Coy, __ | | | | |
Coy, Amos D. | | |
Coy, Bessie |
Coy, C. W. |
Coy, Cassie |
Coy, Cassie A. |
Coy, Christian | |
Coy, Dan M. |
Coy, Earl |
Coy, Earl Cecil |
Coy, Elba |
Coy, Elba A. |
Coy, Elba Alice |
Coy, Garrod |
Coy, Gilford P. |
Coy, H. N. |
Coy, Joan Carol |
Coy, Lillie M. |
Coy, Martha N. |
Coy, Nancy |
Coy, Robert |
Coy, Simeon Dotson |
Coy, Sunshine |
Coyle, __ | | | | | | |
Coyle, Alma |
Coyle, J. |
Coyle, J. W. |
Coyle, J. W., Mrs. |
Coyle, James | |
Coyle, James Bunch |
Coyle, John | | | | | | | |
Coyle, John Patrick |
Coyle, Patrick | | | | | |
Coyle, Polly |
Coyle, see Coile |
Coyle, Sidney |
Coyle, Walter |
Coyle, Walter Barnes |
Cozine, Sarah Shield |
Cpaerton, Clifford |
Crabb, Cordella |
Crabb, Katharine S. |
Crabb, Katherine S. |
Crabb, Mrs. E. C. |
Crabtree, __ | | |
Crabtree, Alfred Edward | |
Crabtree, Flora Margaret | |
Crabtree, Isaac | |
Crabtree, John | |
Crabtree, John W. |
Crabtree, John Whitaker |
Crabtree, Sally Annis |
Crabtree, Wesley G. | |
Crabtree, William |
Crabtree, William Edward | |
Craddoc, P. S. |
Craddock, __ | | | |
Craddock, Ellen |
Craddock, J. |
Craddock, P. D. |
Craddock, Paschal D. | |
Craddock, Paschel D. |
Craddock, Tom |
Crady, __ | | | | | | | | | |
Crady, Clara |
Crady, D. C. |
Crady, Daniel |
Crady, David |
Crady, Eddie |
Crady, Eliza M. |
Crady, Evelyn | | |
Crady, G. W. |
Crady, Linda | |
Crady, Lita McGruder |
Crady, Mary |
Crady, Rhea |
Crady, Rhea Viola |
Crady, Stoy Stanley |
Crady, Susan Michelle |
Crady, Willie |
Craft, A. B. |
Crafton, __ | | |
Crafton, Anthony Jr. |
Crafton, Eliza |
Crafton, Harriet |
Crafton, Joseph |
Crafton, William |
Crag, Netwon |
Cragoo, Ephraim |
Craig | |
Craig, __ | | | | | | |
Craig, __, Dr. |
Craig, __, Rev. |
Craig, Anna Lee | |
Craig, Annie L. |
Craig, Belle |
Craig, Bessie | |
Craig, Bessie P. | |
Craig, Catherine |
Craig, H. B. | | | | |
Craig, Horace |
Craig, James |
Craig, James D. | | |
Craig, James W. |
Craig, James, Mrs. |
Craig, John |
Craig, John W. |
Craig, Kathryn |
Craig, Martha G. |
Craig, Mary |
Craig, Mary Ellen | |
Craig, Mattie Moore | |
Craig, Moses |
Craig, Nancy N. |
Craig, Nellie |
Craig, Nellie Blye |
Craig, Polly | |
Craig, Robert | |
Craig, Robert R. |
Craig, Rowland |
Craig, Sadie Lucille |
Craig, Sallie |
Craig, Sallie Ann |
Craig, Susan Jean |
Craig, Thomas | |
Craig, William | |
Craighead, Minnie B. |
Craik, __ |
Craik, C. E., Mrs. |
Craik, Charles E. Sr. |
Craik, Charles E., Rev. |
Craik, G. W. |
Craik, James |
Craik, Susan |
Crain, __, Miss |
Crain, Elizabeth A. |
Crain, Nellie Dodds |
Crainford, William |
Crainshaw, Cosby |
Crainshaw, James |
Crainshow, Overton |
Crake, Catherine |
Cralle, Lee | |
Cralle, Lee E. | | | | | | | |
Cranbell, Lemuel |
Crandall, __ |
Crandall, Mary Jane M. |
Crandall, Mary Meeker |
Crandall, Nancy |
Crandall, Thomas | | | |
Crandall, Thomas R. |
Crandell, __ | |
Crandell, __, Rev. |
Crandell, Ann Maria |
Crandell, Charles |
Crandell, Margaret | |
Crandell, Margaret A. | | |
Crandell, Mary Ann |
Crandell, Thomas | | | |
Crandell, W. W. |
Crandell, William |
Crandell, William R. |
Crandell, William Rufus |
Crandell, William W. |
Crandle, Charles |
Crandle, Emily |
Crandle, Saphronia |
Crandle, Thomas | |
Crandle, W. W. |
Crandle, W. W. |
Crandle, William |
Crane, Augusta Minor |
Craneshaw, Thomas |
Cranfill |
Cranfill, __ | | |
Cranfille, Willa |
Cranmer, Ann |
Cranmer, Dorothy J. |
Cranna, __ |
Crary, David |
Crask, Myrtle E. |
Craven, __ |
Craven, Eliza |
Craven, Luvina |
Craven, Pat | | |
Craven, Thomas J. |
Cravens, Eliza |
Cravens, Elizabeth |
Cravens, James |
Cravens, John |
Cravens, Raymond Thos. |
Cravens, Sallie |
Cravens, Sam |
Cravens, Sarah |
Cravenston, __ |
Cravingston, __ |
Cravinston, __ |
Cravinston, Elizabeth |
Cravinston, George |
Crawford, __ | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crawford, Bennet A. |
Crawford, Catherine |
Crawford, Eliza C. |
Crawford, Eliza Cordelia |
Crawford, Elizabeth |
Crawford, Ephraim |
Crawford, H. E. |
Crawford, Henry |
Crawford, Hugh | | |
Crawford, Hugh Jr. |
Crawford, Jane |
Crawford, John | | |
Crawford, Josiah | | | |
Crawford, Judi | | | | | | | |
Crawford, Judy |
Crawford, Margaret |
Crawford, Mary |
Crawford, Ray, Mrs. |
Crawford, Samuel | |
Crawford, T. C. |
Crawford, Thomas C. |
Crawford, William | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crawford, William Col. |
Crawford, William E. | | |
Crawford, William R. |
Crawhorn, __ |
Crawhorn, Derek |
Crawley, Lena | |
Craxston, William |
Craycraft, H. J. |
Craycroft | |
Craycroft, __ | | |
Craycroft, H. I. |
Craycroft, H. J. | | | | | | | | | |
Craycroft, Henry J |
Craycroft, Henry J. | | | |
Craycroft, Thomas |
Crays, Albert | | | |
Crays, Daisy | |
Crays, Daisy A. |
Crays, Flora | | |
Crays, Florence |
Crays, Martin |
Crays, Walter |
Crea, E. W. |
Creak, E. W. |
Creal | |
Creal, Dalph |
Creal, Dolph | |
Creal, E. W. |
Creamer, Henry |
Creamer, Moses |
Creamer, Susanna |
Creamor, __ | | | |
Creamor, Susannah |
Creams, Henry |
Creble, David |
Crechlow, Helen |
Creech, Kristen Nicole |
Creed, __ |
Creed, Frank | |
Creek, __ | | |
Creel, __ |
Creel, Elijah | | |
Creighton, Ida |
Creighton, James |
Crelier, Alexander C. |
Crelier, Alexander J. |
Crelier, Conrad |
Crelier, Cora L. | |
Crelier, Elsie Tresia | |
Crelier, Frances |
Crelier, John Louis | |
Crelier, Joseph |
Crelier, Leotia |
Crelier, Margaret B. | |
Crelier, Opal May |
Cremer, Marget |
Cremor, __ | | | | |
Cremor, Moses |
Cremor, Susan |
Cremor, Susanna |
Cremore, __ |
Cremore, Henry | |
Cremore, Susan |
Crensahw, Cosby |
Crenshaw |
Crenshaw, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, __, Dr. |
Crenshaw, __, Miss | |
Crenshaw, __, Mrs. | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Adeline |
Crenshaw, Admiral |
Crenshaw, Adulcia |
Crenshaw, Albert T. |
Crenshaw, Alf |
Crenshaw, Alford |
Crenshaw, Alfred |
Crenshaw, Alice |
Crenshaw, Allen |
Crenshaw, Allison | |
Crenshaw, Alonzo |
Crenshaw, America |
Crenshaw, Angeline |
Crenshaw, Annie |
Crenshaw, Arkans | | |
Crenshaw, Arkin |
Crenshaw, Arkins | | |
Crenshaw, Arsula |
Crenshaw, Arsula Reed |
Crenshaw, Barbara |
Crenshaw, Bedford | | |
Crenshaw, Bedford, Mrs. |
Crenshaw, Ben | |
Crenshaw, Bessie Ann |
Crenshaw, Betty | |
Crenshaw, Blackjack |
Crenshaw, Blewford |
Crenshaw, Bluford | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Bob | |
Crenshaw, Bryan |
Crenshaw, Buford |
Crenshaw, Burton |
Crenshaw, C. | | |
Crenshaw, Calvin | | |
Crenshaw, Calvin, Mrs. |
Crenshaw, Carlton |
Crenshaw, Catherine |
Crenshaw, Causby | | | |
Crenshaw, Cecil | |
Crenshaw, Charles | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Charles Edwin |
Crenshaw, Charles W. |
Crenshaw, Charley |
Crenshaw, Charlie |
Crenshaw, Ciford C. |
Crenshaw, Clarence | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Clarence E. |
Crenshaw, Cleo | |
Crenshaw, Clifford Jack |
Crenshaw, Clifton C. |
Crenshaw, Clyde C. |
Crenshaw, Coleman, Mrs. |
Crenshaw, Cora Lee |
Crenshaw, Cosby | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Cossbey |
Crenshaw, Cousby | |
Crenshaw, D. T. |
Crenshaw, David |
Crenshaw, David Thomas |
Crenshaw, Della | | | |
Crenshaw, Dennis |
Crenshaw, Dosie |
Crenshaw, Dwight |
Crenshaw, Edgar |
Crenshaw, Edward |
Crenshaw, Eliza | | | | |
Crenshaw, Elizabeth | | |
Crenshaw, Ella |
Crenshaw, Ellen Mae |
Crenshaw, Elmer | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Elmina | |
Crenshaw, Elmira |
Crenshaw, Eloise |
Crenshaw, Elvina | | |
Crenshaw, Emmett |
Crenshaw, Emmett A. |
Crenshaw, Emmitt |
Crenshaw, Emmitt, Prof. |
Crenshaw, Erman |
Crenshaw, Esau |
Crenshaw, Eunice B. |
Crenshaw, Ewing | | |
Crenshaw, Ewing, Mrs. | |
Crenshaw, Fleetwood |
Crenshaw, Floyd |
Crenshaw, Frances |
Crenshaw, Fronia | |
Crenshaw, G. A. |
Crenshaw, Genus | | | | |
Crenshaw, Genus Edward |
Crenshaw, George | |
Crenshaw, George Alonzo |
Crenshaw, Geraldine L. |
Crenshaw, Geri | | | |
Crenshaw, Gertrude |
Crenshaw, Gilla | | |
Crenshaw, Grandison | | | |
Crenshaw, Grover | |
Crenshaw, Grover C. |
Crenshaw, H. F. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, H. F., Dr. | | |
Crenshaw, H. J. |
Crenshaw, H. J., Mrs. |
Crenshaw, Hana |
Crenshaw, Henry | | |
Crenshaw, Henry C. | |
Crenshaw, Henry F. | | |
Crenshaw, Henry F., Dr. |
Crenshaw, Henry J. | |
Crenshaw, Henry M. |
Crenshaw, Henry S. |
Crenshaw, Herman |
Crenshaw, Hope | |
Crenshaw, Ina |
Crenshaw, Isabel |
Crenshaw, J. A. | |
Crenshaw, J. A., Mrs. |
Crenshaw, J. B. | |
Crenshaw, J. Ewing | |
Crenshaw, J. J. |
Crenshaw, J. L. |
Crenshaw, J. M., Mrs. |
Crenshaw, J. R. | |
Crenshaw, J. V. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, J. Vard |
Crenshaw, J. Vardeman |
Crenshaw, James | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, James A. |
Crenshaw, James B. | |
Crenshaw, James Bedford |
Crenshaw, James Buchanan |
Crenshaw, James C. | | |
Crenshaw, James H. |
Crenshaw, Jason |
Crenshaw, Jason H. |
Crenshaw, Jeremiah V. | | |
Crenshaw, Jeremiah Vardeman |
Crenshaw, Jesse |
Crenshaw, Jesse, Dr. | |
Crenshaw, Jim |
Crenshaw, Joanne |
Crenshaw, Joe | |
Crenshaw, Joel | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Joel Jeremiah |
Crenshaw, Joel Nelson |
Crenshaw, John | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, John C. | |
Crenshaw, John Clarence |
Crenshaw, John D. | | |
Crenshaw, John H. | | |
Crenshaw, John N. | | |
Crenshaw, John Nelson |
Crenshaw, John T. |
Crenshaw, Joseph | | | | |
Crenshaw, Joseph C. | | |
Crenshaw, Joseph Cosby |
Crenshaw, Joseph L. |
Crenshaw, Judith | |
Crenshaw, Judith A. |
Crenshaw, Julia |
Crenshaw, Kate |
Crenshaw, Laura A. |
Crenshaw, Laura C. |
Crenshaw, Lavinia | |
Crenshaw, Lee |
Crenshaw, Lewis Malcom |
Crenshaw, Lillie | |
Crenshaw, Linda |
Crenshaw, Lon | |
Crenshaw, Lucille |
Crenshaw, Lucy | | | |
Crenshaw, Mabel | |
Crenshaw, Mack |
Crenshaw, Maggie |
Crenshaw, Margaret S. |
Crenshaw, Margarita |
Crenshaw, Martha | | | | |
Crenshaw, Martha E. | | | |
Crenshaw, Martha Elizabeth |
Crenshaw, Marvin | | | |
Crenshaw, Marvin R. |
Crenshaw, Mary | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Mary Alice |
Crenshaw, Mary Allis |
Crenshaw, Mary Ann | |
Crenshaw, Mary B. | | | |
Crenshaw, Mary E. | |
Crenshaw, Mary J. |
Crenshaw, Mary Susan |
Crenshaw, Mattie | | |
Crenshaw, Mattie Brown |
Crenshaw, Mattie Jane |
Crenshaw, Maud |
Crenshaw, Maude Lucy |
Crenshaw, Meredith |
Crenshaw, Mollie |
Crenshaw, Moses |
Crenshaw, Mrs. Sula |
Crenshaw, Myrtle | |
Crenshaw, Nancy | | | | |
Crenshaw, Nancy Jane | |
Crenshaw, Nate |
Crenshaw, Nathan | | | | |
Crenshaw, Nathan M. | | | | |
Crenshaw, Nathan W. |
Crenshaw, Nelson | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Newell |
Crenshaw, Noel |
Crenshaw, Nora Ellen |
Crenshaw, O. | |
Crenshaw, O. M., Dr. | |
Crenshaw, Orvill |
Crenshaw, Oscar M. |
Crenshaw, Oscar Marvin |
Crenshaw, Overton | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Patsey |
Crenshaw, Patsy | | | | |
Crenshaw, Pearl | |
Crenshaw, Phillip |
Crenshaw, Polly |
Crenshaw, R. B. V. |
Crenshaw, R. H. | |
Crenshaw, R. S. |
Crenshaw, R. V. B. |
Crenshaw, Ralph | |
Crenshaw, Ray B. |
Crenshaw, Raymond B. |
Crenshaw, Rena |
Crenshaw, Rena Shaw | |
Crenshaw, Rhoda | | | | |
Crenshaw, Rhoda James |
Crenshaw, Richard | | | |
Crenshaw, Richard D. | |
Crenshaw, Richard S. | | | |
Crenshaw, Rivers |
Crenshaw, Robert M. |
Crenshaw, Robert Morris | |
Crenshaw, Rowan Hardin |
Crenshaw, Roy | |
Crenshaw, Royce |
Crenshaw, Ruby |
Crenshaw, Russell | | |
Crenshaw, Russell A. |
Crenshaw, Ruth | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Sarah | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Sarah Elizabeth |
Crenshaw, Sue |
Crenshaw, Susan | | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, Susan Ann | | | | |
Crenshaw, Susan Cremore |
Crenshaw, Susan Eliza | |
Crenshaw, Susan L. |
Crenshaw, Susanna | |
Crenshaw, Susannah |
Crenshaw, Susie |
Crenshaw, Sylvia Mae |
Crenshaw, Thelma | |
Crenshaw, Theodore |
Crenshaw, Thomas | |
Crenshaw, Tommy |
Crenshaw, Trusie |
Crenshaw, Trusie B. |
Crenshaw, V. |
Crenshaw, Van |
Crenshaw, Van, Mrs. |
Crenshaw, Vard | | |
Crenshaw, Vard, Mrs. |
Crenshaw, Vardaman | | | | |
Crenshaw, Vardeman | | |
Crenshaw, Vardemon |
Crenshaw, Vardiman | | |
Crenshaw, Virginia |
Crenshaw, Vivian |
Crenshaw, W. B. | | | | |
Crenshaw, W. E. |
Crenshaw, W. M. |
Crenshaw, Walter | | | | |
Crenshaw, Walter H. |
Crenshaw, Western |
Crenshaw, Will |
Crenshaw, William | | | | | | | |
Crenshaw, William B. | | |
Crenshaw, William E. |
Crenshaw, William L. |
Crenshaw, William Levi | |
Crenshaw, Willie | |
Crenshaw, Wilma |
Crenshaw, Wils |
Crenshaw, Wm. Bluford |
Crenshaw, Zella |
Crepps, __ | | | |
Crepps, Christian | | | |
Crepps, Elizabeth | |
Crepps, Jim |
Crepps, Judith |
Crepps, Judy | | | |
Cresap, __ |
Cresap, __, Col. |
Cresap, Thomas, Col. |
Crews, __ | |
Crews, George W. |
Crews, Martha R. |

The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 01 Dec 2024 . Page URL: