The Bullitt County History Museum

Wilderness Road Quarterlies - Volumes 1-36 Index - U-V

We are now able to provide access to the first 36 volumes of the Genealogical Society's Wilderness Road Quarterlies in pdf format. In the alphabetical table below we provide buttons which serve as links to display the pages. The numbers on the buttons represent the volume and page number where the indexed name may be found. Finally, we have divided the list into surname sections as shown below to make it easier for you to jump to the part you need.

All of these Quarterly pages are copyrighted by the Bullitt County Genealogical Society. By downloading any of them, you agree that it is for your personal use. They may not be distributed in any way, electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society.

Uase, Elizabeth |
Ubank, Sary |
Ulen, __ |
Ulen, __, Dr. |
Ulen, H. C. | | | | | | | | | |
Ulen, H. C. | |
Ulen, Hamilton C. |
Ulen, Henry Clay |
Ulen, Nancy J. |
Ullman, S. |
Ullmo, __ |
Ulrich, __, Mrs. | |
Ulrich, Elizabeth |
Umble, Powel |
Umble, William J. |
Umphrey, Lucy |
Umphrey, Sarah |
Umphry, Nancy |
Umstaddt, Elizabeth C. |
uncan, J. D. |
Uncel, Abraham |
Uncil, Abraham |
Underhill, __ |
Underhill, James |
Underhill, Joseph | | |
Underwood, __ | | | | | | |
Underwood, A. B. |
Underwood, Abigail |
Underwood, B. E. |
Underwood, Bennie E. |
Underwood, Bertha |
Underwood, Charles |
Underwood, Cordelia |
Underwood, Ella |
Underwood, Emma |
Underwood, Evelyn |
Underwood, George |
Underwood, George W. |
Underwood, John Eli | |
Underwood, John W. |
Underwood, Julia |
Underwood, Lesley |
Underwood, Levi |
Underwood, Lillian |
Underwood, Lilly B. |
Underwood, Loretta |
Underwood, Lydia |
Underwood, Mamie |
Underwood, Mary J. | |
Underwood, Mary Jane |
Underwood, Mary V. |
Underwood, Mayme |
Underwood, Myrtle R. |
Underwood, Nathan |
Underwood, Nathan H. |
Underwood, Nora D. |
Underwood, Oscar | | |
Underwood, Rose B. |
Underwood, Samuel | |
Underwood, Sanford |
Underwood, Stella Mae |
Underwood, Virgil |
Underwood, Wesley |
Underwood, Willis |
Underwood, Zelma |
Unfried, Frank |
Unnderwood, Virginia |
Unseld, __ | | | | |
Unseld, Albert |
Unseld, Mrs. |
Unsell, __ |
Unsell, Abraham |
Unsell, Elizabeth |
Unsell, John |
Upton, Janet H. |
Upton, Janet Hickey | |
Urick, __ | |
Urmston, Margaret | |
Usher, Mary |
Usher, Thomas | |
Utterback, __ | |
Utterback, R. L. |
Utterback, R. L., Mrs. |
Utterback, William |
Utz, __ |
Valcourt, Louis |
Valentine, __ | |
Valentine, Catherine L. |
Valentine, Clara | | |
Valentine, Grover |
Valentine, Thomas | | |
Valmon, Charles |
Van, orVorr, John |
Van, uren, Martin |
Van, wearingen, Gerret |
Vanada, J. S. |
Vanallen, __ |
Vanardsdel, Ah’s |
VanArman, N., Major |
VanArsdale, __ |
Vanarsdale, C., Rev. |
Vanbisdale, C., Rev. |
VanBogaert, Bob |
VanBuren, Martin |
VanCamp, A. | |
VanCasters, E. |
Vance, __ | | | | |
Vance, A. | |
Vance, George |
Vance, J. |
Vance, James | | | | | |
Vance, James, MG |
Vance, Joseph |
Vance, Nancy E. |
Vance, Theresa |
Vance, Virginia |
Vance, Walter Booth |
VanCleave, __ | | | | | |
VanCleave, Aaron |
VanCleave, Eliza Jane |
VanCleave, Jane |
VanCleef, __ | | |
VanCleef, Dorothy Wells | |
VanCleve, __, Gen. |
VanCleve, Samuel |
VanDenBerg, Clare |
Vanderbeak, __ | | | |
Vanderbilt, __ | | | |
Vandergraft, John |
Vanderhoof, Gail |
VanDerSteur, Anne |
Vanderveer, John |
Vandeventer, __ | | |
Vandeventer, Allen H. |
VandorVoor, Jacobus |
VanDyke, __ |
VanDyke, Eleanor |
VanDyke, Margaret | |
VanDyke, Margaret M. |
VanDyke, Peter |
Vandyke, Peter Sr. |
VanFleet, Gen. |
VanFleet, Wallace |
VanHorn, __ |
VanHorn, Mary Eleanor |
VanHyning, S. J. |
VanLiere, Edward J. |
Vanmatre, John |
VanMeter, __ | |
Vanmeter, Abraham |
VanMeter, Buelah |
Vanmeter, Cevilla |
Vanmeter, Harriet |
Vanmeter, Henry | |
VanMeter, Jacob | | | |
Vanmeter, John | |
Vanmeter, Joseph | | |
Vanmeter, Manda |
VanMeter, Margaret |
Vanmeter, Roads |
Vanmeter, Rodes |
VanMeter, Ruth | | |
Vanmeter, Thomas P. |
Vanmeter, Thomas R. |
Vannallen, James |
Vannaught, John H. |
Vannaught, Margaret | |
Vannaught, Peggy |
Vannnaught, Peggy |
Vannort, John H. |
Vannort, John N. |
Vannort, Jon |
Vanort, John L. |
Vanover, __ |
VanReber, Mary |
VanRiper, Frank |
Vanschoiack, Drury |
VanStockum, Reggie | |
VanStockum, Ronald |
VanSwearinge, Gerret |
VanSwearingen, __ |
VanSweringen, Lois |
Vantress, Lancaster |
Vantress, Rebecca |
VanVactor |
Vanvactor, __ | |
Vanvactor, Ben |
Vanvactor, Benjamin |
VanVactor, Catherine |
Vanvactor, Claudie |
VanVactor, Doris |
VanVactor, Ernest |
Vanvactor, Ethel |
Vanvactor, Gracie |
Vanvactor, John | |
Vanvactor, Katherine |
VanVactor, L. |
Vanvactor, L. W. | |
VanVactor, Luther | |
VanVactor, Lydia |
VanVactor, Mary |
Vanvactor, Rebecca |
Vanvactor, Sarah |
Vanvactor, Sarah E. |
Vanvactor, Warren |
VanVactor, William |
VanVoorhis, Marilyn |
VanVoorn, Mary Marg’t |
VanWagenen, Sterling |
Vanzandt, __ | | |
Vanzant, James | | | |
Varble, David R. |
Vardeman, __ |
Vardeman, Darkey |
Vardeman, Jeremiah |
Vardeman, Mattie |
Vardiman, Alice Lee |
Vardiman, E. H., Mrs. |
Vardiman, Edwin |
Vargason, __ |
Varner, __ | |
Varney, Jack |
Varons, Richard |
Vatchkel, Joseph |
Vaugh, Joel |
Vaugh, John |
Vaughan, __ | | | | |
Vaughan, Joel |
Vaughan, Josephine |
Vaughan, S. A., Sgt. |
Vaughan, William |
Vaughan, Wilson A. |
Vaughan, Wilson Ausburn |
Vaughn |
Vaughn, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vaughn, A. |
Vaughn, Abner |
Vaughn, Amanda | | |
Vaughn, Amelia | |
Vaughn, Ander |
Vaughn, Andrew |
Vaughn, Anna Lou |
Vaughn, Arthur L. | |
Vaughn, B. | |
Vaughn, Benjamin, Dr. |
Vaughn, Bettie Summers |
Vaughn, Burk | | | | | | | | |
Vaughn, Burke | | |
Vaughn, Caroline | | | |
Vaughn, Carolyn |
Vaughn, Carrie Neomi |
Vaughn, Charles Hall |
Vaughn, Clarence Morrow |
Vaughn, Cleo |
Vaughn, Daisy |
Vaughn, Danny |
Vaughn, Everett |
Vaughn, Fayette Groomes |
Vaughn, Frank |
Vaughn, Harry M. |
Vaughn, Hunter | | |
Vaughn, Isaphine | |
Vaughn, Isophene | |
Vaughn, J. | |
Vaughn, J. H. | |
Vaughn, J. M. |
Vaughn, James Ben |
Vaughn, Joe |
Vaughn, Joel | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vaughn, John | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vaughn, John G. |
Vaughn, John H. |
Vaughn, John Lewis |
Vaughn, Joseph E. |
Vaughn, Lou, Mrs. |
Vaughn, Lucinda | | | | | |
Vaughn, Maggie |
Vaughn, Malinda | | |
Vaughn, Martha Roberts |
Vaughn, Martin Jacob |
Vaughn, Mary | | | | | |
Vaughn, Mary Julia |
Vaughn, Melissa |
Vaughn, Nelson | |
Vaughn, Richard | | |
Vaughn, Robert McMurtry |
Vaughn, Rufe |
Vaughn, Rufus |
Vaughn, S. R. |
Vaughn, Sallie Thomas |
Vaughn, Samuel | |
Vaughn, Susanna |
Vaughn, W. |
Vaughn, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vaughn, William Cosby |
Vaughn, William T. | |
Vaughn, Wilson A. |
Vaught, Benjamin Y. |
Vaught, Carrie Mae |
Vaught, John H. |
Vaught, Richard |
Vaught, William N. |
Vawter, __ | | | |
Vawter, Richard |
Vawter, Tabitha |
Veal, John |
Veazey, __ | | | |
Veazey, Ann Louise |
Vech, James |
Veech, L. R. |
Veech, Lucy Catherine |
Veers, Nancy Jane |
Veirs, __ |
Veirs, Nathan |
Venable, __ |
Venasdol, H. |
Venner, Daniel |
Ventrella, Elizabeth P. |
Verdeman, Darkey |
Verdun, Elizabeth |
Vergis, Eliza |
Vergis, John |
Vermillion, __ | | |
Vermillion, George W. |
Vermillion, Katherine |
Vermillion, P. M. |
Vernaught, Peggy |
Vernon, __ |
Vernon, Jane |
Vernon, Joseph J. |
Vernon, Mary Jane |
Vertrees, __ |
Vertrees, Joe |
Vertrees, John |
Vertres, Jacob |
Vervalier, Joseph Eugene |
Vessels, __ |
Vessels, Gene |
Vessels, Sarah Ann |
Vest, __ |
Vest, Edward |
Vest, Matilda\ |
Veteto, Hobart H. |
Veteto, Norma | |
Veteto, Norma D. | | |
Veteto, Norma Daughetee |
Vezey, __ |
Vice, Martin |
Vickers, __ | | |
Vickers, Sarah |
Vidal, Charlie R. |
Vidito, __, Miss |
Vielliers, Nancy |
Viers, __ | | | | | | |
Viers, Charles |
Viers, Dorcus |
Viers, Dyson |
Viers, E. E. |
Viers, Elec M. |
Viers, J. H. | | | | | | | |
Viers, J. H. P. | | | |
Viers, John B. |
Viers, John H. | | | | |
Viers, Lucy, Mrs. |
Viers, Millie |
Viers, Nancy J. | | |
Viers, Nancy Jane |
Viers, Nathan | | |
Viers, Nathan E. |
Viers, Wathen E. Jr. |
Viers, Wathen E. Sr. |
Viers, Willie Dean |
Villa, Tonda |
Villalobos, Margarite |
Villard, Matthew |
Villars, Elizabeth |
Villars, M. |
Villars, Matthew |
Villars, Matthew P. |
Villers, Cassandra |
Villers, James |
Villers, Mahala |
Villers, Mary |
Villers, Mathew |
Villers, Matthew | | | | |
Villers, Matthew Jr. |
Villers, Matthew P. |
Villers, Matthias |
Villers, Nancy |
Villers, Rosaline |
Villiers, Matthew |
Villwock, Emma |
Vilt, Edward A. |
Vinan, Mary J. |
Vincent, __ | |
Vincent, C. G., Bro. |
Vincent, Jesse W. |
Vincent, Mary | | | |
Vincent, Mary Margaret |
Vincent, Phoebe |
Vincent, Will, Mrs. | |
Vineard, __ |
Vines, Barbara |
Vineyard, __ | | | | | |
Vineyard, Martha A. |
Vining, __ | |
Vining, Archibald |
Vining, Mary | | | |
Vinsel, K. P. |
Vinson, __ | | | |
Vinson, Lue Ann |
Vinson, Pat |
Vinson, W. G. |
Vinxon, __ |
Vital, J. J., Rev. |
Viteto, Stephen |
Vitt, Bertha Lucille |
Vitt, Doris Mae |
Vitt, Mabel Smith |
Vittatoe, Luther G. |
Vittetow, Frank, Mrs. |
Vittitoe, E. |
Vittitoe, Elizabeth | | | |
Vittitoe, John Irvin |
Vittitoe, Judy E. |
Vittitoe, Nancy |
Vittitoe, Nell |
Vittitoe, Nellie | |
Vittitoe, Stephen |
Vittitoe, William |
Vittitow, __ | | |
Vittitow, Catherine |
Vittitow, William | |
Vivion, __ |
Vivion, Smith | |
Vize, Charles |
Vize, Matilda |
Vizo, Charles |
Vodner, Gale |
Vodner, Kim |
Vodner, Thomas | |
Vogedes, Cassie |
Vogel, __ | | |
Vogel, Blanche Elizabeth |
Vogel, Dottie |
Vogel, Mary |
Vogel, Silver |
Vogel, Theodore |
Vogel, William T. Jr. |
Vogel, William T. Sr. |
Vogue, Emily |
Voll, __, Father |
Volmer, Jess | |
Volmer, Jesse |
Volz, __ | |
VonLutzoff, __ | | | |
Voorhees, __ | |
Voorhees, Gerret |
Voris, __ | |
Voss, __ | |
Voss, Ann | | | | | |
Vowells, __ |
Vowels, __ | | | | | |
Vowels, Agnes | | | | | | | | |
Vowels, Agnes E. | | |
Vowels, Agnes Simmon | | |
Vowels, Ann |
Vowels, Anne |
Vowels, Ellen |
Vowles, John |
Voyles, __ |
Voyles, Daniel |
Voyles, Emma Evelyn |
Voyles, Ethel |
Voyles, Levi Nelson |
Voyles, Lunzay |

The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 01 Dec 2024 . Page URL: