Over the years, Charles Hartley has shared glimpses of what was being printed in The Pioneer News in different months and years. This page includes what was taken from the August through December issues of 1974.
Kathy Stallings was selected as the Grand Champion in the Western Division of the Kentucky 4-H Horse Show.
Mrs. Laura Bell celebrated her 84th birthday at the Sun Valley County Club with family and friends.
Gladys Shepherd of Bullitt Lick reported that the R. A. boys had a campout at Ronnie Parker's. The boys had a good time, but Ronnie and Tony Rose, their leaders, didn't get much sleep.
Gladys also reported that Bro. and Mrs. Odell Leigh celebrated their 25th anniversary. She recalled that he had been Bullitt Lick Church's first full time pastor.
Speaking of anniversaries, Claude and Belle Leath celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on August 23rd.
Helen Foster must have been trying to be very careful herself after one sister broke a hand and another sister broke a leg in the same week.
The Hebron correspondent reported that Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owen had returned from the East Coast where they took their daughter Marilyn, who left for Germany in service for her country.
J. C. Thompson purchased the Bullitt County Hardware store located next to his grocery on Buckman Street. J. C., who had been manager of Hardy's Supermarket for many years, bought that store five years ago.
Jerry Troutman of Bullitt Central played in the East-West all star basketball game where he played a great floor game, and scored six points.
The Lebanon Junction correspondent mentioned that anyone wanting to join the Boy Scouts should contact Wayne Goodlett.
Five Bullitt County boys, Troy Revellette, Raymond Rummage, Timmy Ellis, Rusty Ament, and Petey Moore, got to spend a week at Trooper Island in Dale Hollow Lake thanks to the State Troopers. I know they had a good time.
Tom Waller was elected president of the Bullitt County Bar Association.
John C. Newcomb signed his first contract with the Gulf Refining Company in 1924, and 50 years later he was honored by the company for his service. Seems like I see that name on gasoline trucks a lot.
Mrs. Mary Whitworth wrote in the Cedar Grove Newsletter, "Men, why not make this agreement with your wife. If she will quit driving from the back seat, you will quit cooking from the dining table." Wonder who that message was for?
The Lebanon Junction Memorial Park celebrated its first anniversary with a lively party. Among the activities was a horseshoe tournament, won by Allen Ewing and Bill Kennedy of Boston. Winners in the tennis tournaments included Bobby Thurman, Lonnie Engle, and Julie Crawford.
C. V. Sanders and Tom Waller were pictured with Governor Ford at Frankfort where Sanders was sworn in as Circuit Judge, and Waller as Commonwealth's Attorney. Among those attending the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Carroll, Mrs. Nancy Strange, Tom Givhan, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartlage, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hatzell, Judge Arson Moore, J. Chester Porter, Bill Robey, Nina Mooney, Bill Moore, and the families of Sanders and Waller.
Tommy Van Vactor won the beautiful birthday cake baked by Mrs. Gwen Sweat.
G. K. Bass, the Mt. Washington correspondent, reported that Miss Sue Swearingen was at St. Joseph's Infirmary, and that Mrs. Louella McFarland was recovering at home.
Clara B. Simmons, the Pleasant Grove correspondent, reported that Mr. and Mrs. Harley Proctor and Ella, and Rev. and Mrs. Noah Benningfield had returned home from a vacation trip to Gettysburg. She also said that Karen Sue Grant had her tonsils removed.
Two Jeffersontown men came to Schuffletown Hollow, near Belmont, to go squirrel hunting, and promptly got lost overnight. Fortunately for them, each found his way out. Unfortunately they found no squirrels.
The whistling overhead that Mrs. Susie McCubbins and her daughter Pam heard in the Belmont community turned out to be an 8-inch howitzer projectile misfired from the Army range nearby.
Ed Woodfin and Ken Bailey of Bullitt County served in the honor guard at the "Civil War" wedding of Ordra Satterly and Jacqueline Sue Gilbert. This unique event occurred at Mumfordsville at a gathering of the First Kentucky Orphan Brigade which re-enacts Civil War battles. Rev. Bruce Hartzell of Shepherdsville performed the ceremony.
Tommy Goldsmith presented Dennis Butler with the FFA Member of the Month medal.
The Hebron correspondent reported that Miss Sallie Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brooks, Jr., had returned home from France where she attended school during the summer.
Roby Elementary School Principal Ron Murphy looked on as Eva Smith demonstrated the use of various audio-visual equipment for volunteer students from Bullitt Central.
Gladys Shepherd, the Bullitt Lick correspondent, expressed sympathy for the family of Henry Skidmore, recently passed, and encouragement to his brother, Howard Skidmore who had been ill.
Dr. M. J. Cundiff of Shepherdsville filed as a candidate for re-election to the school board in the Shepherdsville and Brooks precincts.
Mrs. Elizabeth "Betty" Larimore, vocational business instructor at Bullitt Central, was recognized as Bullitt County Teacher of the Year.
And J. C. Thompson, proprietor of the Hardy Super Market in Shepherdsville, advertised fresh whole fryers at 39 cents a pound, and sliced bacon at 89 cents a pound. You could get a 25 lb bag of flour for $3.59 and a quart jar of sweet pickles for 69 cents. Let's go shopping!
Charles Hamilton filed as a candidate for re-election to the County School Board. He was currently Executive Secretary of the Bullitt County Farm Bureau.
With Judge Moore, Bay Moore, Walter Magruder, Hiram Gibson, and Ralph Bleemel present, Fiscal Court voted to employ Billy Couch to construct an office facility in the northwest corner of the courtroom in the Courthouse for an office for Judge Sanders.
Donna Ryan was pictured in the paper taking tolls on the Kentucky Turnpike.
Steve Plenge was elected as District 14 Director of Kyana Division, Dairymen, Inc. which was a milk marketing cooperative.
Donnie Miller, son of A. J. Miller, was pictured in the paper with his junior calf which was chosen as the top heifer in that class at the show in Atlanta.
Keith Lewis kicked three extra points and a 37 yard field goal to lead Bullitt Central to victory over Shelby County. In the game Gary Conway scored on a 25 yard dash up the middle, with Curt Firkins making the key block to break him free. Jim Troutman also scored on a seven yard run behind the blocking of Firkins, Tom Clemons, and Mark Hardy. Other Cougars who played a prominent role included Steve Larimore, Larry McDonald, and Wayne Skaggs.
James Skipper of Pine Creek Forest was pictured showing off his five pound large-mouthed bass that he caught in a farm pound at Samuels.
Glen Karsner and Dave Blackburn coached the Shepherdsville Junior High School Rams to an 8-0 victory over the Lebanon Junction team. The Rams scored on a 33 yard touchdown pass from Robert Williams to Don Bray.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Samuels celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary. Also, Mrs. James Lanham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bailey of Louisville celebrated their 50th anniversary. Continuing the celebrations, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Calvert celebrated their 50th. They were married in Lebanon Junction. And, Charles and Mary Ann Ash also reached that half century milestone.
Rev. Bob Crady returned to Bardstown Junction Baptist Church for the second time as their pastor. Prior to entering the ministry, he was a successful athlete in several sports.
Teresa Tyrell, a sixth grader at Overdale, had just recorded a song on the Caprice label in Nashville. She performed at the school's P.T.A. meeting, and was pictured in the paper.
Donna Sweat of Lebanon Junction mentioned that that town's Boy Scout Troop had spent the weekend at the river. They were led by Wayne Goodlett and Gary Wilson.
Kathy Long, the talented wife of Charlie Long, was pictured in the paper. The article was about her paintings, including her first oil painting of "My Old Kentucky Home." Kathy also designed the medallion for the Bicentennial of Bullitt County.
The paper reported that Judge Cassius Marcellus Clay Porter had recently died in California. Judge Porter was Bullitt County Judge from 1929 to January 1934.
Out Nichols way, Mrs. Marjorie Gagel and Mr. Marvin Hopewell spent a Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Oretha Ridgway; and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hopewell spent a Sunday with the family of Clarence Dawson.
And Gladys Shepherd of Bullitt's Lick let us know that Mrs. Minnie Heath spent a day with Mrs. Nannie Raymond recently. Now that's the good kind of news!
Thomas Givhan, Arson Moore, and Frank Hatfield were pictured on the front page of the paper, showing them as they appeared on the Morning Show on WAVE-TV during the station's salute to Bullitt County.
Ray Becnell, James L. Welker, and Lemo Hester were among those who petitioned to have Pioneer Village incorporated as a city.
Marion Farris became only the second woman ever elected to the Bullitt County School Board. The first was Helen Smith who served from 1938-1941.
Fiscal Court passed a motion that Dennis Tate be paid to transport the voting machines. Judge Arson Moore was joined by Magistrates Ralph Bleemel, Forrest Moore, Hiram Gibson, and Walter Magruder in passing this motion.
Mrs. Charles Ridgway of Nichols reported that June Dawson, Janet Belcher, Oretha Ridgway, Craig Dawson, and Clayton Dawson call on Marvin Hopewell, and they had a fine lunch together.
Clara Simmons of Pleasant Grove reported that Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Proctor called on Miss Susie Long Swearingen on a Sunday evening. Also, J. B. joined Clara and Lois Simmons in visiting Mrs. Annetta Culbertson on a Sunday afternoon.
Seven Bullitt Central Cougars were placed on the All Conference Football team for 1974, including Steve Larimore, Jim Troutman, Mark Hardy, David Price, Tom Clemons, Curt Firkins, and Wayne Skaggs.
The Cougars finished a 10-1 season with a 27-0 romp over Washington County. The game started with a razzle-dazzle play with David Price sweeping left, then handing off to Wayne Skaggs who then pitched out to Steve Larimore who finished with a 63 yard pass to Mark Hardy for the touchdown. The defense was led by Greg Armstrong who knocked down one pass and intercepted another one.
Marvin Stewart, Bullitt Central's Athletic Director, was honored as Grand Marshall for the Basketball Kickoff Parade at Houston High School in Shelby County, Ohio where he had coached for ten years.
Jimmy Bennett of Shepherdsville was elected President-Elect of the Campbellsville College Alumni Association. Tara Jasper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jasper, was selected as Homecoming Queen at the college.
The Shepherdsville Junior High girls' basketball team members included Debbie Philpott, Stephanie Deacon, Kim Playforth, Beth Korfhage, Cleda Greathouse, Melinda Howlett, Debra Hillman, Rita Kenny, Jimetta McClure, Kay Thacker, Shirley Eagle, Suzanne Brosick, Terry Combest, and Windy McCubbins.
Kim Sewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sewell, was crowned Bullitt County Junior Miss. Jacqueline Richardson was first runner-up, and Cathy Lindsey, second runner-up.
Senior-captain Donnie Lomax led the Bullitt Central cross-country team in every meet, and set a new school record for the two mile run. He broke Harold Masden's old record by almost a half minute.
And Mary Whitworth, the Cedar Grove correspondent, reported that Mrs. Otis Ray Ratliff entertained the Esther Sunday School class of Cedar Grove Baptist, and that the class's new teacher, Mrs. Nancy Mitchell, gave a beautiful devotional. Oh, and Mrs. Ratliff served delicious refreshments.
The members of the first Grand Jury sworn in by newly appointed Circuit Judge C. V. Sanders included Harold Meredith, Blayne Hancock, Beverly Ann Davenport, Joe Cephus Hadly, Shirley Shepherd, Thomas Nusz, James Allen Sweat, Alvine G. Foster, Lester Tindle, Jr., and Donald Crady who served as foreman.
Phillip Capps led the Shepherdsville Junior High Rams Ninth Grade team to a 44-31 victory over New Haven. Phillip had 10 points, 16 rebounds, and hit 6 of 8 free throw attempts. Mike Seaton added 9 points, and Donnie Doan had 8 points. David Masden, Robbie Williams, Sammy Swearingen, and Tony McCubbins helped make defense a team effort.
The Girls' team defeated New Haven 31-10 behind Debbie Philpott and Cleda Greathouse who each had 14 points. The Rams' defense, including Kay Thacker, Stephanie Deacon, and Debbie and Cleda did a fine job.
Bill Robey and wife entertained George Wigginton, L. M. Hogg and their wives, Mrs. Betty King and her son, Steve Roby and wife, Mike Robey, Dr. Larry Robey, and Miss Mary C. Holsclaw for a fine dinner.
At Mt. Washington, Melanie Armstrong won the Conservation Essay Contest, and Randolph Settles won the Poster Contest. Carla Jo Washburn and Alice Elen Ryan took second and third in the essay contest. Jon Kalewski and Anthony Lucas took second and third in the poster contest.
Tom Waller was pictured at his desk, hard at work as the new Commonwealth Attorney.
Danny Bishop of Shepherdsville began working as a forest ranger for the Kentucky Division of Forestry.
The Salt River Masonic Lodge 180 of Mt. Washington was building a new lodge on Fischer Lane. Among their long time members were Basil Scott, Wybel Ellaby, and Stylar Harris.
The Nichols Peanut Baseball Team was pictured in the paper. Named were Danny Bruce, Troy Dunn, Russell Bowling, Ronald Miller, Timmy Allen, Barry Dockery, Bobby Hedges, Greg Dockery, Rocky Graham, Kenneth Sanders, Brent Glass, Brian Sexton, Rodger Mircle, Brian Cornett, Craig Smith, Kenny Gathof, and coaches Ron Wiemer and Robert Hedges. Doug Smith also coached the team.
Roy and Della Kulmer were pictured in the paper as they prepared to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary.
Bill Miller, who attended the National 4-H Congress in Chicago as Kentucky's state champion in the 4-H dairy project, owned 40 Holsteins with his father, A. J. Miller, and five cows on his own.
The 1949 S.H.S. class held their 25th reunion at the Best Western. Attending were Anita Hester Allen, Louise Waters Browning, Mary Katherine Higgins Gray, Bill Hardy, Robert Holsclaw, Roger Holsclaw, Emogene Shepherd Huff, Ottie Morris, Bill Newton, Sharlene Waters Noltmeyer, Johnny Noltmeyer, Gale Ratliff, Delbert Ridgway, Nancy Williams Robison, Coleman Robinson, Peggy Magruder Simms, Jimmy Stansbury, Dan Weller, and faculty members Ann Taylor, Henley Taylor, and Eula Mae Ferguson.
Clara Simmons, the Pleasant Grove correspondent, informed us that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gentry and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Armstrong and family went to the King's Table for Thanksgiving Dinner.
And, she also said that Mr. and Mrs. Alvine Foster entertained their son Larry and wife and children at a Thanksgiving breakfast. I bet the kids still remember Beulah's cooking.
Copyright 2024 by Charles Hartley, Shepherdsville KY. All rights are reserved. No part of the content of this page may be included in any format in any place without the written permission of the copyright holder.
The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 31 Dec 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/happened/1974.html