Here we have grouped links to the contents of our web site in what we hope is a useful format. If you are unable to locate what you seek within these links, we urge you to use our "Search" link at the top of this page.
A Developing History
The Land Beneath Bullitt County
The Forests | The Salt
Letters Describing Salt-Making
The Indians | Projectile Points
Creation of County
A Time Line Project
Bullitt County Historical Markers
1793 Petition to Governor Shelby for Protection
Bullitt County Politics in the 1830's
Writings of Robert E. McDowell
and Related Things
Bullitt's Lick - The Related Saltworks
The Wilderness Road
The Wilderness Road's Louisville End
The Wilderness Road in Bullitt/Jefferson Counties
Wilderness Road Through the Wetwoods
Early Historical Sketches
Bullitt County in
| 1878 | 1891 | 1901 | 1905 | 1918 | 1919 |
Cahill's Escape
Trabue's Visit to Bullitt's Lick
Excerpt from William Fleming's Journal
Last Indian Fight in the County
Locating Lost Boundary Markers
"Rowed Up Salt River"
Salt River and Floyd's Fork Survey in 1837
Shepherdsville in 1936
Smallpox in Lebanon Junction, 1899
Original Land Surveys
Our collection of original land surveys may be accessed from any of the following lists. The first list places them in order of the names of the Grantees (those for whom the land was surveyed). The second list orders them by the location of the survey. The third puts them in order of when the survey was made. And the fourth lists them by the surveyor's names.
| Grantee Names | Survey Location |
|Survey Date | Surveyor Names |
Land Transfers
Our collection of land transfer deeds may be accessed from any of the following lists. The first list places them in order of the names of the Grantors (those who are transferring the land). The second lists by the Grantees (those who are receiving the land). The third list is by the location of the land tract. And the fourth puts them in order of when the transfer was made.
| Grantor Names | Grantee Names |
| Land Location | Transfer Date |
Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q Index
Miscellaneous Land Records
Joseph Brooks' Land - A List
Joseph Brooks' Pond Creek Lands
Joseph Brooks & James F. Moore - Land Exchange
Joseph Brooks' Louisville Lot
Ann Aud Dower Survey, 1831
T. C. Carroll Plat Cabinet, Slide 140, Map 152
Long Lick Creek Surveys
William C. Herps' 1902 Plat Drawing
Bowman-Schultz Vacant Land Deed
Frye vs Essry Land Dispute - 1st Report
Benjamin Frye v. John Essry - 2nd Report
Benjamin & Catharine Frye to Henry Crist - 2 Tracts
Benjamin Frye to Jacob Cartmel - 200 Acres
James Shanks' 1811 Plat Drawing
Brashear Land Tracts Map
Division of Christian Barrall's Land
Early Land Tracts
42 Early Bullitt County Land Grants
Bullitt County Court Orders for Patenting Unappropriated Land
Survey Tracts Just to the North of Bullitt County
Bullitt County Wills & Estate Settlements
James H. Anderson's 1865 Will
John Anderson's 1856 Will
Jacob Bowman's Will, Probated 1843
Jacob Bowman's Estate Settled, 1843
Joseph Brooks' 1818 Will
Christina Cameron's 1800 Will
Jannett Cameron's 1802 Will
Wilhite Carpenter's 1898 Will
Ewing Crenshaw's 1931 Will
James Crenshaw's 1811 Will
John Dunn's 1835 Will
David Hall's 1814 Will
William H. Hays' Last Will and Testament - 1897
Dr. J. A. Hoffman's 1896 Will
Isaac Hornbeck's 1799 Will
Jonathan Iron's 1813 Will
Francis Maraman's 1839 Will
Archibald Magruder's 1842 Will
Archibald Magruder - Land Division
Charlie Mike Maraman's 1911 Will
John McDowell's 1833 Will
Greenup Miller's Will
Ellis Maddox's 1841 Will
Judge William T. Morrow's 1925 Will
Samuel Nichol's 1842 Will
Edwin Phelps' 1848 Will
Nancy F. Phelps' 1892 Will
Settling Wesley Phelps' Estate
Thomas Phelps' 1797 Will
John Purcell's 1834 Will
Theodocia Purcell's 1854 Will
James Samuels' 1847 Will
William Sanders' 1895 Will
Ann Anderson Shane's 1864 Will
James W. Simmons' 1850 Will
Jesse Simmons' 1819 Will
Joseph Simmons' 1852 Will
Richard Simmons' 1815 Will
William W. Simmons' 1846 Will
Therese Samuels Stibbins' 1883 Will
John B. Summers' 1864 Will | Land Division
H. H. Swearingen - Last Will & Testament
Jesse Willson's Will
Matthew Wilson's 1855 Will
Division of Matthew Wilson's Estate -
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Paroquet Springs Articles & Deeds
Thomas McGee to John McDowell - 1828 Deed
John McDowell to Humphrey Simmons - 1836 Deed
Humphrey Simmons to James Guthrie - 1838 Deed
Paroquet Springs 1840 Article
Paroquet Springs Mineral Water Analysis in 1840
Incorporation of Paroquet Springs Company
The Lone Grave at Paroquet Springs
Pursuit of Health and Happiness
at Paroquet Springs 1838 to 1888
Guthrie Heirs to R. H. Field, 1871
Paroquet Club Lease - 1871
Paroquet Springs Inauguration Ball, 1871
George Whitcomb Letter About Paroquet Springs, 1871
Paroquet Springs Mortgage - 1871
Paroquet Springs Ball, 1872
Paroquet Springs Sale Advertisement - 1872
Paroquet Springs Sale Deed - 1872
Paroquet Springs Sale Deed - 1881
Paroquet Springs Sale Deed - 1885
Camping at Paroquet Springs - 1887
Paroquet Springs Newspaper Articles, 1871-1888
Scenes at Paroquet Springs - a 1909 Article
Iron and Iron Products Production
Iron Manufacturing in Shepherdsville
Shepherdsville Iron Manufacturing Co. Incorporation
Sale of Forge Tract - 1852
The Firm of Quiry & Tyler
Iron Furnaces
Belmont Furnace Photos
Bullitt County Connections to Shaker Village
Benjamin Summers to John W. Beckwith - A Deed
Bullitt County Iron Industry Links
Pitt's Point
Pitt's Point 1858 Plat
Abraham Froman's 600 Acre Survey in 1828
Butler Lodge, No. 194, at Pitt's Point
Pitt's Point 1870 Census
Pitt's Point - A History
Incorporation of Pitt's Point
Incorporation of Pitt's Point Academy
Pitts Point Academy 1916 Reunion
Newspaper Report
Prof. Gwynn's Letter
J. R. Zimmerman's Speech
Pitt's Point Video (WDRB-41)
Pitt's Point 1936 Topo Map
Mt. Washington
Mt. Vernon Trustee Elections Legislation, 1827
Mt. Veron Becomes Mt. Washington, 1829
Lewis Snap and the Mt. Washington Trustees, 1834
1847 Mt. Washington Trustees Election
1848 Mt. Washington Trustees Election
Mt. Washington 1847 Map
Mt. Washington - Original Lot Sales
1890 General Assembly Act Regarding Mt. Washington
Mt. Washington News
Mt. Washington and the Bardstown Road - 1907
Students Make Their Marks on MW Community
Shepherdsville - Establishment
and Early Expansion
Original Shepherdsville Lots & Transfers
Early Shepherdsville Plats
Original Purchasers of Lots in Oxley Addition to Shepherdsville
Sheriff Sale of Multiple Oxley Addition Lots in 1877
Shepherdsville 1870 Expansion
Shepherdsville 1884 Expansion
Shepherdsville in 1885, An Article
Lee-Rickerson Addition to Shepherdsville - 1903
Adam Shepherd Family Links
Peter and Adam Shepherd Kentucky Surveys |
Adam Shepherd | 200 Acres | 925 Acres |
Peter Shepherd | 600 | 900 | 100 Acres |
Eulalia Flaget Wathen's Letter About Her Shepherd Ancestors
Peter Shepherd Bio Sketch
Peter Shepherd's Will
William Shepherd
Adam and Rachel (Drake) Shepherd Marriage
Adam Shepherd's Estate
Shepherd Heirs to Francis Maraman Deed
Shepherd Heirs to William Pope Deed
Peter Shepherd Heirs to John and Upton Beckwith
William Pope to Sally and Charlotte Shepherd
Shepherd Heirs to Benjamin Chapeze Deed - 28 Apr 1831
Partition of Adam Shepherd's Home Tract - 28 Jul 1834
Sarah Shepherd to Charlotte Benthall as Trustee - 266 Acres - 15 Jun 1840
Charlotte G. Benthall to Samuel Neill - 137 Acres - 16 Aug 1852
Samuel Neill to Charlotte G. Benthall - 120 Acres - 16 Aug 1852
Adam Shepherd's Ferry Tract's Sales to
| John Scott | John Griffin | John Graham |
African American History
African American Cemeteries
African American Mortality Schedules for | 1860 | 1870 | 1880 |
My Memories of Bowman's Valley School
African American Education in Bullitt County
African American History - report by Daniel Buxton
African American Marriage Book, 1874-1914
Eckstein Norton University
Lucinda Knight Biographical Sketch
Reece Northern - African American Soldier
Slavery in 1820 | 1830 | 1840 | 1850 |
Afro-American Charitable Institution Society
African American Research on GenWeb
Shepherdsville 1917 Train Wreck
Train Wreck Presentation Transcription
The Story |
New Book Available!
Train Wreck Story on Kentucky Life (KET)
Train Wreck Model
Memorial Service |
Service Photos
Railroad Commission Inquiry
Train Wreck - Supplement #1
Train Wreck - Supplement #2
Train Wreck - Supplement #3
Eliza Craven Family - Train Wreck Victims
J. M. Williams Verdict
The 1917 Train Wreck - A Newspaper Report
Victims' Death Certificates
1917 Shepherdsville Train Wreck - Papers
Other Railroad Related Links
The Railroad Reaches Shepherdsville - 1855
Acorn Letter - Train Wreck at Bardstown Jct, 1860
L&N Railroad Passenger Traffic in Bullitt Co, 1870-71
Shepherdsville Train Wreck - 1882
Bardstown Junction 1888 Train Wreck
1899 Train Wreck at Gap in Knob
Shepherdsville Train Wreck, 1903
Death of William Sanders - 3 Jul 1903
L&N Railroad vs Susan Hagan, Right of Way Dispute
Troutwine v. Louisville & Nashville R.R. Co.
1918 Train Wreck at Huber Station
Deaths at Bardstown Junction Crossing, 1918
1958 Train Wreck Near Bardstown Junction
1973 Train Wreck in Shepherdsville
1991 Shepherdsville Train Wreck Pics
Railroad Accidents and Wrecks Time Line Project
Miscellaneous Historical Things
State Auditor's Reports for Bullitt County:
| 1851 | 1853 | 1857 | 1859 | 1861 | 1866 |
1839 Agricultural Society Fair
1857 Political Meeting
1890 General Assembly Act Repealing an 1871 Act
1896 County Fair Catalog
An Act Regarding Justices of the Peace Who Become Sheriffs
An Act Limiting Number of Justices of the Peace
An Act Granting Privileges for Salt Works Owners
A Look Back at the Bullitt County Fair
A Proposal to Divert Salt River - 1841
Bardstown Junction 1881 Article
Basil Beckwith Inventory - 1805
Bernheim Forest 1941 Article
Bicentennial Celebration by Tom Pack
Bray Family Bible Images
Rebecca Brooks Family Bible Images
Samuel Brooks Family Bible Images
Buky Family Tragedy
Bullitt County - Geographical Positions in 1904
Bullitt County in 1852
Bullitt County Manufacturing Company
Bullitt County Masonic Lodges - 1922
Bullitt County in the Ky State Gazetteer, 1876-77
Bullitt County in the Ky State Gazetteer, 1883-84
Bullitt County Order Book D Index
Bullitt County Poor Farm
Bullitt's Lick Newspaper Article - 1910
Bullitt Pioneer Newspaper
Caldwell's Adm'r v. Shepherd's Heirs
Charles Carroll Lawsuit
Corps of Engineers 1903 Salt River Report
County Geography Maps
County Historical TidBits and Trivia
Creation of the Mount Vernon Voting Precinct in 1820
Creation of the Pine Tavern Voting Precinct in 1825
David L. Brooks vs William Morrow, Court of Appeals
Doctors, 1896-97
Ed Croan and the Dog Tax Law
Elizabeth Griffin Act
Floyd's Fork Bridge Act - 1813
Federal Pensioners in 1883
Federal Taxes in 1866 Bullitt County
Frederick Fundy Becomes a Citizen
Great Flood of 1909
Hoffman v. Hoffman - Court of Appeals Case
Hoffman v. Trustees of the Town of Shepherdsville
- Court of Appeals Case
Huber v. Armstrong's Widow and Heirs
- Court of Appeals Case
Jesse Simmons' Church Site
Jim Beam 1969 Advertisement
John R. Gaither v. Jeremiah Tilford
Joseph Lloyd Letter
Knoll Park Company
Lee v. Trustees Of Shepherdsville Graded Common School Dist. No. 4.
Lucas Moore's Horses
Lula Cochran v. Shepherdsville, 1898
Masonic Lodge #155
Miles Lodge #341 at Cupio
Murder and Retribution - 1889
Murder or Not? The Hagan-Barbour Feud
Murphy, Barber & Company Distillery
Newspaper Tidbits
Pandemics, Then and Now
The Pond Creek Bridge
Post Offices in 1871
Prominent People in 1847
Proposed Louisville - Hodgenville Railway - 1890
Residential Building Permits, 1990-2009
Revolutionary War Pensioners in Bullitt County
R. L. Campbell Letter Regarding Bullitt County
Rickerson Family Piano Purchase - 1881
Roll of Captain Grayson's Company - War of 1812
Salt River Survey - 1837
Shortsville Post Office
Simmons vs. McKay - Court of Appeals Case
Southern Jefferson County 1879 Precincts
Stansberry's Heirs vs. Pope, &c.
- Court of Appeals Case
State Auditor's Reports | 1854 | 1859 |
Taylor vs. Hawkins, Court of Appeals Case
The Mystery of Jesse T. Moreman
Valley of the Drums - EPA Report
Westerfield Massacre
Where was Paris?
Zoneton Community
Each month these Pioneer News articles describe things that happened during that month during a set of four or five past years. Following their publication there, they are added here.
These articles by David Strange and Charlie Hartley once appeared in either the Courier-Journal Neighborhoods section, or more recently in The Pioneer News. Now they are archived here. Links to them may be found by following this link.
Museum Newsletter Request |
Available Books
Directions to Museum |
Mission Statement
Bullitt County History Poster |
Staff Photo
Museum Directors | Family Files at the Museum
Bullitt County Courthouse Clocktower Renovation 2019
Kentucky History Awards | Old Newsletter Archives
Book Announcements
Bullitt County Order Book H: 1849-1856 - Charles Hartley
Bullitt Circuit Court Order Book C: October 1803 - May 1806 - Charles Hartley
Glimpses of Bullitt County History - First Century - Charles Hartley
Bullitt County Order Book D: 1813-1825 - Charles Hartley
Archibald Magruder of Maryland and Kentucky - Betty Darnell
The Lynching of Mary Thompson - Daniel Buxton
The Browningtown Massacre - Charles Hartley
Bullitt County Family History - Sherry Lee
Henry Crist, Businessman on the Kentucky Frontier; The Crist Families in Kentucky - Burlyn Pike & Betty Darnell
Train Wreck - Charles Hartley
More Bullitt County Memories - David Strange & Charles Hartley
Bullitt County Memories - David Strange & Charles Hartley
The Hagan-Barbour Feud - Charles Hartley
Bullitt County Genealogical Society
About the Society |
Calendar of Events | Make a Donation
Wilderness Road (Society Quarterly)
- Brief Summaries of Back Issues
Wilderness Road, Volumes 1-35
Request Wilderness Road Quarterly via Email
Bullitt County Will Book A - Abstracted
Bullitt Co. Guardian Books (Abstracted) |
A | B | C |
Publications Available to Purchase
BCGS Service Awards
The Genealogical Society also hosts the Bullitt County GenWeb site where you will find a wide variety of research resources.
Cemeteries and Grave Sites
Cemetery Pages List
Wilderness Road Cemetery Index
Report on Simmons/Henderson Cemetery
Lone Grave
Links to Bullitt County Cemeteries Online
Trunnel Cemetery Restoration Event Photos
Cemetery Committee
Cemetery Committee Trips to Fort Knox
Cemetery Preservation and Tombstone Repair
The Wayward Tombstone of Ethridge L. Stith
Additional Cemetery Links on GenWeb
Bullitt County Marriages, Births, and Deaths
Bullitt Countians Who Died in Military Service
New Memoriam Plaque Dedicated 2020
Bullitt County Deaths in 1854
Bullitt County Marriages in 1890
Deaths by Influenza, Pneumonia, & Tuberculosis, Sep 1918 - Jun 1920
Delay Birth Certificates
Tenth Precinct Birth Records 1911-1922
Deaths by year:
1894 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 |
Deaths Summary 1911-1915
Assorted Obituaries in | 1911 | 1912 | 1916 |
1918 Pioneer News Obits: A-C | D-H | I-P | Q-Z
Assorted 1927 Pioneer News Obits
1943 Pioneer News Obits: A-C | D-H | I-P | Q-Z
1947 Pioneer News Obits: A-C | D-H | I-P | Q-Z
Additional Vital Records on GenWeb
Bullitt County Census Data
1790 KY Census
Census Summaries:
| 1800-1840 | 1850-1860 | 1870-1880 | 1890 |
| 1900-1920 | 1930-1960 |
Slavery in | 1820 | 1830 | 1840 | 1850 | 1860 |
1810 Census Transcription
Bullitt County 1940 Census Districts
1860 Census Information
1940 Census Index for ED 15-1
Annotated 1850 Bullitt County Census
Bullitt County Census Count 1870-1950
Bullitt 1950 Census
| Enumeration Districts | Alphabetical Order | Index |
Additional Census Information on GenWeb
The following 1850 census links exit the History Museum web site and take you to text files hosted by GenWeb. You will need to use your BACK button to return here.
1850 Bullitt County, KY Census (pt. 1 Households 1-280)
1850 Bullitt County, KY Census (pt. 2 Households 281-499 ) (partial)
1850 Bullitt County, KY Census (pt. 3 Households 500 - 970)
Biographical Sketches
Grover Cleveland Achors - His Own Words
Silas Field Barrall Obituary
Mary Ellen Magruder Barrall Obituary
Dr. David Milton Bates
Charles Preston Bradbury - A Tribute
James T. Bishop
Dr. Walter Brashear
David Franklin Brooks
Joshua Fry Bullitt
Captain Thomas Bullitt
Thomas Bullitt and the Bullitt Family
Thomas Bullitt's Military Career
Alexander Scott Bullitt
Thomas W. Bullitt- Grandson of A. S. Bullitt
Tarlton Combs Carroll
William B. Campbell and his 1936 Letter
Ben Chapeze
Colonel William Christian
John H. Collings
John D. Colmesnil
James Fletcher Combs
Claud Morgan Crist Obituary
Henry Crist
A. E. Funk Obituary
Joe B. Hall
Casper and William Herps
Richard Morgan Hocker
J. Clarence Holsclaw Obituary
Dr. Emmet F. Horine
Samuel A. Hornbeck
Jacob Hubbs
Hubers and Cassedays
Otto Earle Johnson, M. D.
Henry Frederick Kalfus, M.D.
Colonel Philip Lightfoot Lee | 1 | 2 | 3 |
George W. Maraman Obituary
Woodrow Masden - A Bullitt County Family
Robert Emmett McDowell
Gardner McKay
Colonel James Francis Moore
James B. Myers
William S. Napper, M.D.
Christopher O'Brien Lineage
Rev. Benjamin Ogden
Miss Mattie Owens
Henry Pauley - Shepherdsville's Hermit
Burlyn Pike
George L. Pope, M.D.
Aunt Lizzie Pottinger Reminiscing
Charles Quirey Obituary
Oretha Ridgeway
Dr. Samuel Howard Ridgway
Ora Lee Roby
Richard A. Rouse
Sligar Family in Bullitt County
Linton Snapp
Jeremiah Stallings
Elisha David Standiford
Edgar B. Stansbury
Frank Pierce Straus
Embry Lee Swearingen
Charles F. Troutman Obituary
Robert Levi Troutman Obituary
Chapeze Wathen
Jarret Williams and His Descendants
James Robert Zimmerman
Additional biographies are available via GenWeb.
Civil War and Bullitt County:
Official Reports on Civil War Activity
General Map to Accompany Civil War Records
A Civil War Adventure
Brig. Gen R. W. Johnson in Lebanon Junction
Orphan Brigade
Civil War Military Activity in Bullitt County
Company "B," Sixth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
A Civil War Episode Told by John W. Ratliff
Henry B. Mattingly - Medal of Honor Recipient
Mattingly Memorial Ceremony
Henry B. Mattingly Portrait Dedication
Minnesota Civil War Regiment in Bullitt County
Freedmen's Bureau School - Shepherdsville
1912 Eighth Grade Examination
1912 Eighth Grade Examination - Answers
1923 Common School Diploma Examination
Shepherdsville High School - 1923
1931 Shepherdsville High School Basketball Teams
A Victory School Remembrance
S.H.S. Class of 1926 - A Reunion Article
1929 Shepherdsville High School Yearbook
1937 Lebanon Junction High School Annual
Bullitt Academy
Bullitt County Schools in 1895-1897
Bullitt County Schools in 1911
Bullitt County Schools Map - 1942
Eckstein Norton University
Lebanon Junction School Tax Case, 1903
Letter of Memoriam for the Old Hebron School
Bullitt County Schools - Past and Present
Bullitt County Teachers 1782-1953
Bullitt County Teachers in | 1924 | 1947 |
Population and School Enrollment 1955-2012
Mount Olivet School, 1952-53
Buzz - S.H.S. Newspaper for November 1948
Photo of Teachers in 1926
Shepherdsville High School
Faculty | 1948-49 | 1949-50 | 1953-54 |
Seniors | 1948-49 | 1949-50 | 1953-54 |
Shepherdsville School Pics - 1950
Shepherdsville High School Senior Pics - 1959
Riverview School
Banking Links
Banks in Bullitt County, 1913
Early Bank of Shepherdsville
E.W. Hall & Co., Bankers Loan Document
Incorporation of Bank of Shepherdsville - 1888
Incorporation of Peoples Bank of Mt. Washington
Tidbits of Catholic-Related History in Bullitt County
Catholic Missions in Bullitt County
The Early Little Flock Church
St. John's Chapel
Media: Audios and Videos
Bullitt County Historical Markers Videos
Bullitt County Nature Scenes Video
Gospel Kingdom Campground Historic Video
Pitt's Point Video (WDRB-41)
Snake Hollow at Bernheim Video
West Point, Kentucky Video
WFPL Radio Interview -
Topic: Bullitt County History
Media: Photos, Slideshows
Museum Photo Album
Tom Pack Photo Sets
Burlyn Pike Photo Sets
Mildred Bergen's Photo Album
1912 Bullitt County Fair Scenes
1956 Aerial Photos of Bullitt County
1974 Group Photo
175th Anniversary Pics
Greenbriar School Photo
Help Identify This Picture
1961 Shepherdsville Flood
Photos of Unknown People
Belmont Furnace Pictures | Slideshow
Bullitt Blast 2008
Shepherdsville Living History Time Line 2008
Photos | Set 1 | Set 2 |
Flood of 1937 - A Page of Links
Identify This Flood
Staff at Elizabethtown Book Fair
World War I Display
Maraman Family Reunion Photo
Springtime at Bernheim Forest
Captain John L. Foster Family Photograph
Noah C. Summers Portrait
Family Fair 2011 Pictures
Shepherdsville High School 1951 Basketball Team
Lebanon Jct Basketball 1931
Troop 5 Fire Danger Sign
Elected Officials
1847 Mt. Washington Trustees Election
1852 Shepherdsville Town Judge & Marshall Election
1920 Voting Precincts
Bullitt County Election Data 1982-2011
County Election Officials 1906-1916
County Election Officials - 1927
Bullitt County
| Clerks | Jailors | Judges | Sheriffs | Attorneys |
Shepherdsville Mayors
General Assembly Prior to 1900
State Senators and Representatives for Bullitt County
Women in Bullitt County Government
Maps, Roadways, Routes
Blue Lick Creek Bridge
Blue Lick Road Bridge Site
Brooks Run Bridge
Bullitt County Map (no date)
Bullitt County Map - 1897
Bullitt County Public Roads - 1829
Bullitt-Jefferson Line - Brier Creek to Elk Lick
Bullitt County Road Levy Act - 1886
Road Work in Bullitt County in 1925
County 1920 Map
County 1925 Map
County 1937 Road Map
County 1958 Road Map
County Roads in 1915
County Road Maintenance (1849)
Filson 1784 Map
Floyd's Fork Bridge - 1813
Highway 44 in 1907 and 1997
Local Roadways in 1887
Mt. Washington 1847 Map
Mt. Washington and the Bardstown Road - 1907
Northern Bullitt County Maps
Postal Routes in 1894
Shepherdsville 1897 Street Map
Shepherdsville Sanborn Maps:
| 1886 | 1909 | 1920 | 1929 |
19th Century Road Incorporations in Bullitt County
Shepherdsville/Louisville Turnpike Road Co.
Shepherdsville/Louisville Plank Road Co. Merger
Bullitt County Turnpike Road Company
Shepherdsville/Elizabethtown Turnpike Road Co.
Spencer, Bullitt, and Jefferson Turnpike Road Co.
Shepherdsville, Bullitt's Lick, and Pitt's Point Turnpike Road Company.
Shepherdsville and Mt. Washington Turnpike Road Company
Shepherdsville/Cedar Grove Church Turnpike Rd Co.
Blue Lick Turnpike Road Company
Shepherdsville, Bardstown Junction, and Pitt's Point Turnpike Road Company
Shepherdsville/Belmont Furnace Turnpike Road Co.
Shepherdsville and Pitt's Point Turnpike Road Company
More Miscellaneous Things
24th District Basketball Tournament Program - 1953
Betty Darnell's Researching Tips
Bullitt County Agriculture - 2007
Bullitt County Flag
Bullitt County Newspapers
Bullitt County Triangulation Points
Circuit Clerk's Office Research
Exploring a Bullitt County Cave
Free Online Genealogical Resources
General Tidbits of Information
The Knobs of Northwestern Bullitt County
Locating a Kentucky Death Record
Places in Bullitt County
T. C. Carroll Plats Index
Useful Links
The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 11 Oct 2024 . Page URL: